"The Football Show"..............


Nov 25, 2001
do any of the 30+ crowd out there remember this show.

Use to have Paul Horning, Van Brocklin, Bob Neal, and others. It was filmed in atlanta and they would review the games.

They were talking about this show this morning on 790 and I remember one show it was the year that GT tied ND 3-3 1980 and the show opened with Horning tearing a ND pennant in half.

This show was a classic. It was the pre curser to "best damn sports show" but this show had legit personalities.

The show only lasted two years b/c just when they started making headway, (show was on WTBS) so was nationally broadcast, they had a season finale w/ art donovan and they all got liquored up and was cursing on air.

Undoubtedly at this same time Ted Turner was hosting Fallwell out at his ranch in SC. Ted called Bob O'neal right after the show and told him the show was cancelled.

Just thought I would share that trip down memory lane.

I don't remember that particular show. But I do remember the show, in general. Them were the olden days.
Yes, I remember that show--it was pretty good.

When I was a student, I'd do my Sunday night homework with the TV on Channel 69 when it was new on the air (in 1983 or so). They'd broadcast about 10 coach's shows from around the southeast every Sunday night during the fall. ESPN also showed some coach's shows during the week back in those days. It was interesting to see the different styles and levels of professionalism of the coach's shows. My Auburn friends and I kidded that we wouldn't be surprised if Pat Dye coughed up a lung during one of his tapings.
Originally posted by Northlake Buzz:
Yes, I remember that show--it was pretty good.

When I was a student, I'd do my Sunday night homework with the TV on Channel 69 when it was new on the air (in 1983 or so). They'd broadcast about 10 coach's shows from around the southeast every Sunday night during the fall. ESPN also showed some coach's shows during the week back in those days. It was interesting to see the different styles and levels of professionalism of the coach's shows. My Auburn friends and I kidded that we wouldn't be surprised if Pat Dye coughed up a lung during one of his tapings.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Pat Dye always sounded like he was drunk to me.
Law bee, remember that show well. Wasn't Alex Hawkins one of the stars of the show? They had a live audience. Back in those days that was rare.

While on the subject, remember the show called Tush. One of the funniest skit comedy shows of all time. Starred Bill Tush and the Atlanta chick who wound up on Saturday Night Live. Would pay money for some of the video copies of that show.
I LOVED "Tush"!!....one of the funniest shows of all time!

Maybe the best skit was the drive-thru funeral home. A mama, son and daughter were ordering services for another daughter (who was, apparently, quite large). The kids kept making fun of her size and the mama finally snapped back at tem...."Stop talking about your poor departed sister like that! You KNOW she retained a lotta' water!!"

The son replies, "Yeah....she retained a lotta Twinkies and Old Milwaukee, too!" :&gt;)

Then there was the faux-ad for "Tush" beer........"brewed from the sparkling yellow waters of the Onomatopoeia River!" "Tush...named for the sound it makes when you open the can!"

Jan Hooks (the gal who went to SNL) and another guy (Terry Turner?) did a regular skit "Hour of Inspiration with Tammy Jean"...a TV evangelism spoof ("I have this pot!" :&gt;)

Also remember a brief one-man skit Eddie Lee(?) did pretending to be Kenny Rogers (looked quite a bit like him). At one point at the end of the bit he's standing there counting a wad of cash and every now and then he'd toss a bill away, saying "oh, that's a 5" or "that one's torn".
