The Hate Week Armory

An all-timer, posted just a day before this inbred version actually kicked the bucket during Hate Week.



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This isn't merely a football rivalry. U[sic]GA has tried, since Tech's founding, to destroy GT. They've cut off funding for decades at a time. Tried to force our presidents out. Tried to manage our campus. And we've beaten them every time despite their, at times, complete control of the legislature.
At the end of the day, they don't even do 8 figures of research a year. We're one of the top 25 research universities in the world. They aren't even top 150 in this country.
When we got the one of the first ROTC-predecessor programs in the country, they threw a parade and called our military men cowards.
When we were about to become a land grant school, they lobbied Congress to limit states to only one land grant school.
Our management degree is a comparatively young program to their business school. And yet, it is already ranked far ahead of theirs.
When they got tired of losing to us in football, they poured everything they had into sports. Academics went out the window over there. for sports. Because that is the only thing they can hope to beat us at and they know it.
There is no academic comparison.
They are hardly the third best school in the state of Georgia.
If we stopped playing football against U[sic]GA tomorrow, I'd still hate them.
Yes, I would like us to beat them in football. But football is hardly the point. That's the only game they have. Off that field we play in leagues their school won't ever be a part of. They know it. And that is why their alumni hate us. Their sidewalk fans couldn't differentiate between toilet paper and a U[sic]GA degree. Why would I care what they think?
But as to football, they've got their one national title. We have four. Heisman and Dodd coached here. Their highlight is Vince Dooley.
They lead the series by twenty games? Big deal. We've won more national titles. We've one a national title in my lifetime. They haven't.
They have a stadium that was designed by an architect who got fired while working on the abomination that is UNC's stadium. Their corridors are far to narrow. They grow a weed, like 10 other SEC schools around their field and believe they have something special.
Their mascot is inbred, and lacks discernable genitals. It is a disgusting abomination of an animal unworthy to be called a canine. And they revel in the fact that their weakling creature is an all-white genetic eunuch that can't breathe.
The fact that they've won more games lately doesn't make me want to trade places. Because if we ever start to dominate the series, they will fall to pieces. Because since they made the decision to focus everything they had on beating us, back in the late 50's, that is all they've had. And once that is gone, they'll have nothing but fifty years, a substandard school, and a large unremarkable stadium with drainage problems.
Hate week? Hate week? öööö those degenerate, redneck sacks of inbred shit. öööö them all year long. I don't them hate any more today than I did yesterday and I won't hate them any more a week from today, because it's impossible to hate them any more than I already do. The only way to alleviate this feeling is for the good Lord to enact Old Testament vengeance upon them and turn Athens into Sodom and Gommorah. I pray for this daily.

I hate the mutts. I hate their redneck fanbase. I hate the site of that ööööing "G" they ripped off and displayed across the back of some 45-year-old woman with copious amounts of back fat whilst she is waiting by the departure lounge for a flight to Mobile at Hartsfield-Jackson. I hate the site of some toothless inbred with jorts and a mullet barking in my face. I hate everything that program stands for. I hate the thugs that fill their roster and how their administration continues to support that program. The mere sight of Ben Jones' mug makes my blood pressure jump higher than Isiah Johnson stacking the line. I hate the grin on their coach's face. I hate the part in his thinning hair. I ööööing H-A-T-E their defensive coordinator and his chickenshit behavior. I hate the possibility of him procreating. I hate the fertility rate among their fans. I hate their PA announcer. I hate the sight of a Dodge Ram with faded Georgia flags being driven by some cat who can't locate Athens on a state map. I hate the NCAA allowing Godd Turley to sell his autographs. I hate their stupid hugging fight song and the red coat band. I hate their alumni and Sonny Perdue (who the organizes a public prayer on the steps of the capital as a solution to a drought?). I hate the mutts and their inbreeding.
öööö those dipshit, dog licking, in-bred, meth head manure hooks. I cannot stand their barking, "I'm better than you because I like a football team even though I bought my shirt at Wal-Mart and didn't go to UGA" attitude. I hate their manure "school". I hate that they are even allowed to be an accredited institution of higher learning. I've talked to graduates of UGA, I'm surprised they can find their butt with both hands. I've heard more prescient things said by 65-year old pregnant crack addicted hookers than the drivel that comes out of their mouths. I hate their attitude towards athletes. I hate that just because you can run fast with a ball you get a free ride at that cesspool while taking "Your butt or a hole in the ground: A comparative study" as a 4 hour credit course. We need to beat these voids surrounded by sphincters so I don't hear, "yeah, well my football team beat yours so I'm better" for the next year. I don't give a good goddamn, öööö you. öööö them and öööö the entire ööööing classic city of Athens, GA.
Athens, GA is an overrated shithole, just like every person who lives there and every man, woman, child, and ööööing pet that is associated with that goddamned joke of a ööööing "school".

Including and especially that stupid inbred dwag. I hope one of our players kicks it in the skull after running thru the back of their end zone a few times and kills the stupid thing.