The Lost Flock

was hoping to have a clip of Black Snake Moan where Samuel L is reading the Bible to slutty Christina Ricci.
I'd preach to her.

Losing still sucks. Losing to USF still sucks.
Pitt fixin' to get the bejeezus beat out of them.
We need a witch doctor - but be sure to pay him.

In November 1969, the Socceroos travelled to Mozambique to play against Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) in a best-of-two series as part of qualification for the 1970 World Cup in Mexico.

The Australians were hot favourites and the matches were expected to be a mere formality, but both games were draws, so a third fixture was announced.

It was at this point that a local journalist gave the Australian team a tip — they should use a witch doctor (or nyunga) to help them win the deciding game by cursing the Rhodesian team.

The reporter assured them the practice was common in Mozambique, and seeing no harm in giving it a shot, a group of players went to see the nyunga.

That night, the nyunga went to the pitch where the game was to be played, buried some bones near the goal posts, and placed a curse on the Rhodesian team.

In the next match, Australia won 3-1, but as the Socceroos went to leave the nyunga approached the players and told them he wanted to be paid $1,000 for his services.

The players were either unwilling or unable to pay, leading the nyunga to reverse the curse and put it on the Socceroos.

PHOTO: The late Johnny Warren firmly believed in the curse on the Socceroos. (AAP: Alan Porritt, File)

The godfather of Australian football, the late Johnny Warren, once said of the incident: "From that moment that he put the curse on, everything went wrong for the team."
We need a witch doctor - but be sure to pay him.

In November 1969, the Socceroos travelled to Mozambique to play against Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) in a best-of-two series as part of qualification for the 1970 World Cup in Mexico.

The Australians were hot favourites and the matches were expected to be a mere formality, but both games were draws, so a third fixture was announced.

It was at this point that a local journalist gave the Australian team a tip — they should use a witch doctor (or nyunga) to help them win the deciding game by cursing the Rhodesian team.

The reporter assured them the practice was common in Mozambique, and seeing no harm in giving it a shot, a group of players went to see the nyunga.

That night, the nyunga went to the pitch where the game was to be played, buried some bones near the goal posts, and placed a curse on the Rhodesian team.

In the next match, Australia won 3-1, but as the Socceroos went to leave the nyunga approached the players and told them he wanted to be paid $1,000 for his services.

The players were either unwilling or unable to pay, leading the nyunga to reverse the curse and put it on the Socceroos.

PHOTO: The late Johnny Warren firmly believed in the curse on the Socceroos. (AAP: Alan Porritt, File)

The godfather of Australian football, the late Johnny Warren, once said of the incident: "From that moment that he put the curse on, everything went wrong for the team."

This post killed our momentum like a fumble.
I wore my three stripe shirt the last two weeks. I’m beginning to think it’s the wrong shade of gold