The O Line

O Line is playing at a very high level so far this year. Benson is making 4 yards up to the Mike before he's even touched.
Kenny Cooper has the potential to be the best center we have had at the position, ever. He is killing 'em
Devine is playing how we wished he had always been playing
Stickler, Lee, and Braun are solid. Lee had the jumpys yesterday, but I chock it up to he just wanted to hit someone and didn't want to wait for the snap to do it.
We are solid on the OL.
Hell, we are solid everywhere on offense
What is the consensus on how Stickler is doing?
I agree that the O Line is playing great, but we are getting the big yards up the middle because teams are overloading the outsides to contain us. Seems like they all attended some sort of "how to stop the TO" seminar or something.

Newsflash: It doesn't work.

The only way to stop our offense is to play man to man defense with athletes capable of covering us one on one. Otherwise, the offense is designed to find the weakness and exploit it.

Pitt and Tennessee both tried to use a single LB to stop the dive. How'd that work for them? With the midline and follow, a single LB is going to have difficulty stopping us.
I agree that the O Line is playing great, but we are getting the big yards up the middle because teams are overloading the outsides to contain us. Seems like they all attended some sort of "how to stop the TO" seminar or something.

Newsflash: It doesn't work.

The only way to stop our offense is to play man to man defense with athletes capable of covering us one on one. Otherwise, the offense is designed to find the weakness and exploit it.

Pitt and Tennessee both tried to use a single LB to stop the dive. How'd that work for them? With the midline and follow, a single LB is going to have difficulty stopping us.

They were probably overloading outside since the Thomas was more effective on the perimeter and that did not necessarily have to change with the new QB. After yesterday's game, I expect to see teams start putting more emphasis on defending the inside run. After three games, they have greater certainty on what the new basic game plan is for the GT offense.