The "OFFICIAL" 2016 Butt Hurt Market

The outlook for 2017 is still cloudy.

Poor performance in core competency areas gave investors and analysts little hope for a quick turn-around

Recent insider reports show mild optimism on the part of management. Perhaps internals have stabilized and indicators to mgt have been positive

The longer-term future looks more robust, with recent human resource additions.

Short term forecast: hold
Long-term forecast: sell
Can someone start a "Butthurt Quarterly" publication? Should highlight the ups & downs of the market as well as future outlook.
You are taking a risk. I'm holding, anticipating the potential for an early morning loss to BC followed by the longest post-game thread meltdown in history.

With all of the extra hours of drinking, the butt hurt potential is unlimited.

My risk ended up paying off for now. Major early season Butthurt market spike avoided.