The OFFICIAL GT-NC State Game Thread

Lol at Craig James saying CPJ tried to get cute that drive. CPJ would whip his ass and lock him in a storage shed...

He does this all the time and did it for a TD against Kansas.

The runner (this being Roddy in this case) looks at the shoulder pads of his blocker and runs the opposite direction of how the pads are turned.

On the play in the first q it was obvious the blocker was driving the defender to the boundary and Roddy ran smack into them instead of cutting inside. I've seen him do that more often than not.

CPJ trying to get cute on that drive... Probably not going to throw it on 1st down too much anymore.
On the play in the first q it was obvious the blocker was driving the defender to the boundary and Roddy ran smack into them instead of cutting inside. I've seen him do that more often than not.

CPJ trying to get cute on that drive... Probably not going to throw it on 1st down too much anymore.
why not? Roddy and Orwin were wide ass open...need some better throws
why not? Roddy and Orwin were wide ass open...need some better throws

TW had 2 bad passes on that series, don't know why we were passing anyway but he has not been very accurate on a number of throws today. Hate to give NCST good field position with that much time left.
We may as well pull our defense off the field on third down... They don't do a whole lot there anyway
No pressure. Typical.

I hate the no pressure D, playing off the ball and they are going to score this time. They have completely controlled the 2nd Q, getting a score will give them confidence and momentum going into the half. Good Q1, lousy
Q2, I hope that CPJ lights them up at halftime.