The Opposition Has Arrived.....


Varsity Lurker
Aug 2, 2002
I'm not here to talk a bunch of mess. We both know who's favored in this game. We both know who has more talent. We both have new coaches and things to be excited about. So that leaves me with only one thing to say, 'Bring It'
Good post, Buff, appreciate your attitude.

Ya ever git lonely?
Ahh is this the "Buffy" from the Commodores site?

By all means welcome. I think you guys have a fine coach and hopefully will be able to get back to a competitive level in the next few years.

Oh and don't worry about bringing it... we most certainly will.
I'm that 'buffy'. I guess we're just looking to kick you in the nutts while you're not payin' attention. I recommend keepin' them covered. Can't wait for the fun.
Originally posted by buffydores:
I guess we're just looking to kick you in the nutts while you're not payin' attention. I recommend keepin' them covered.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">lame, you guys are the best academic school in the SEC...couldn't think of better bait?!?
Ahh a kick to the nuts eh? Don't count on that happening here Buffy. In every phase of the game we will be ready and I fully expect this to be a woodshed game.

Be careful the fish you hook on August 31... it may be more than you can handle.

I do hope you guys pull a few upsets this season. However this won't be one of them. Be nice if ya beat the pups though.
This is my rifle,
This is my gun:
This is for shootin'
This is for fun.

You boys sound like football fans. Welcome.
A meaningful portion of the prime of my youth was spent in sawdust pits a foot deep at Ft.s Polk, Bragg, and Benning. Wise old sergeants said if your opponent tried to kick you in the nuts, just grab the offending appendage, use superior leverage, training and intelligence to throw him across the room or into a tree, then rip it off, stick it up his ass, and twist it for a good fit! I must say it worked in two tours of SEA.

Bring it on Vandy!! Airborne!
Man do I have some trash talk about Vandy, but I'd rather not get banned, just yet .

But, that thing about getting kicked in the *AAH* wasn't cricket. That sounds like something a Comediandore would say to a Volunteer. But rest assured Vandy fans, we will not ruin your chances of a winless season.
I assure you. We have tried many times, in vain, to capture the perfect 'winless' season. It just keeps on alluding us. We always have a Citadel or Duke screwing things up for us. 1-10 is as close as we've got. What about you?
Oh we finished 1-10 in '94 when B*** L**** was our coach. Then O'Leary took over and turned the Wreck around.

I hope Johnson does the same for you guys but it won't start with game 1 this year. Expect Tech to put up at least 35 on you and hold you to 10 -14.

Glad to have ya Buffy!