Originally posted by Gray Ghost:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by kirbee:
We have a game against a nationally ranked opponent this weekend in our brand new expanded stadium. We are a manageable underdog according to the spread -- so we have a chance. Seems like this would be the thing to focus on instead of something that may or may not happen in 5 or 10 years.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">That's great. Focus on the Auburn game. We need to have a tactical focus each week. Not, however, at the expense of our strategic direction. It was exactly this type of small picture approach that cost us 10 players to academics.
If we keep our head in the sand and don't focus on behaviors that position us to be in the top tier, we'll get what we deserve.
Don't discount the effect of title IX. Call Barnhart Thursday night and ask him if we're going to see a playoff. The answer is likely yes, and sooner than you think. And the reason is money. None of the conferences/bowls/BCS can afford to pay the bill being handed to them by the courts in the form of Title IX. Also, the non-BCS conferences are weighing legal action against the BCS that will be big and ugly.
In none of these posts have I suggested that:
A) We have the wrong coach
B) We can't win football games
C) Our program is dead
D) We won't survive a move to a playoff system
I'm merely playing the "what if?" game. And the if is becoming a stronger possibility each year. It will not come because the people running college football (BCS) want a playoff. It will come because mounting legal bills and rulings will force it.[/QB]</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I believe you are correct and there will be a playoff - should have been one a long time ago. This is a money game and money/revenues will determine this outcome. Tony Barnhart does have his pulse on this matter and I have heard him more then once say this will come to pass. He even mentioned it again about a month ago. Money and revenues were the topic of his "why" it will happen.
I appreciate your informative insight and it's an eye opener for some who do not want to face the big picture - being left out in the cold! I don't care what anyone thinks - these scenarios will affect GT football if this program does not move to better its status soon. Short term disability but long term disability is not an option here.