The Road To 7 or 8 Wins Is Mighty Tough Without A W Against UL …

Did you see last year’s Miami game?
I didn't. What happened?

Win probability for the rest of the games on GT’s schedule, according to ESPN Analytics:
Path to a bowl runs through wins vs. Duke, @ VT and vs. NC State....

L’ville: 20.6%
Duke: 72.4%
UNC: 48.5% - Toss Up
ND: 28.7%
VT: 50.3%
Miami: 38.1%
NC State: 77.9%
Athens: 7.4%
Wrong. Path to a bowl runs through Louisville, Duke, and UNC. From there, we’re just improving our bowl.
Dude, they lost to NIU.

I mean, you do realize that they are perennially overrated, right?
But last week they rolled
And they have won way more than they should against GT
Oh and I think they’re nothing but Hollywood hype that snowballs into getting good recruits
And their academics?Other than their B school they are nothing but hype there as well
I dislike them immensely