The State of Georgia Tech Football 2006 version.

guys,if I thought I would be there LONGER than my Boss ,I still would make a stronger effort to oversee..Players eligible are BASIC to college fball esp at GTech.The WORST thing that can happen is a 2-3 yr exp player you are counting on to not play.Think about it.
AlaGold said:
guys,if I thought I would be there LONGER than my Boss ,I still would make a stronger effort to oversee..Players eligible are BASIC to college fball esp at GTech.The WORST thing that can happen is a 2-3 yr exp player you are counting on to not play.Think about it.

At the time it happened, what would give Gailey any inclination that he would be there as long as his boss? Sorry, but that's weak. Gailey asked his boss what he needed to do, and his boss told him that other people oversaw that and he didn't need to do anthing. That's a pretty crystal clear understanding.

I can find fault with Gailey over a lot of things, but this ain't one of them.
Why would you think you'd be at a job longer than your boss? I don't understand that thinking at all? You've never seen a coach fired before his contract was over?

The only thing you can blame Gailey for regarding the early academic issues is naivete. One of his weaknesses at the start was not fully understanding how academics impact college athletics these days and what coaches have to do to keep on top of things. I don't think an experienced college coach would have agreed to the restrictions place on Gailey, but coming from the pros he simply didn't realize what he was getting himself into.
NC, good points. I am as close to seeing it your way as anything on this thread.
However, now that the other shoe has dropped, I think its OK to now say that Chan was not that naieve to believe that his staying out of academic progress of his players was in any way acceptable.

That condition was just part of the job description and he accepted it. I have much more faith in the intelligence of Chan Gailey to believe anything else.

We were in a compliance mess because of laziness and lack of communication.
CG will now be very active (publicly) making sure his kids go to class, as he would have if DB hadn't played Spy vs Spy.