They found the drownproofing pool under the locker rooms

Keep in mind there was a building frenzy in 1995 getting ready for the Olympics, so the top notch construction/demo firm may not have been used for that job.
My Dad played in the Heisman Gym four times while at Auburn, 1948-51. He said that this was the second or third largest and nicest gym in the SEC at the time. Kentucky had the best facility by far, with Tennessee and Tech about even. Vandy and Bama had decent gyms at the time, the rest were old and/or small. Georgia and Miss. State were the worst. UGA students stood between the baseline and the wall and were notorious for tripping and pushing opponents. They have been boorish thugs since the 18th century.
Bunch of pussies. I couldn’t graduate high school in Missouri without drown proofing.
Never called it anything but the Old Gym. I swam in the pool but didn't have to take drownproofing cause football manager. None of the jocks had to take it either at that time. The naval armory next door was the only place on campus available for indoor basketball games for students. And there would be about 50 people in there trying to play at a time.
Never called it anything but the Old Gym. I swam in the pool but didn't have to take drownproofing cause football manager. None of the jocks had to take it either at that time. The naval armory next door was the only place on campus available for indoor basketball games for students. And there would be about 50 people in there trying to play at a time.

Dang you are pre-SAC?

We used to sneak into Okeefe and play from time to time as well.
Dang you are pre-SAC?

We used to sneak into Okeefe and play from time to time as well.
We used to play slam ball on the court behind your house. We would lower the goal to about 7 feet.
The fact that the drownproofing pool was at the Heisman Gym was common knowledge I thought. I'm boggled that the contractors weren't told about that and they had to "discover" it.
Of course they knew it was there. Stansbury either kept it from the contractors or told the higher ups to wait and """"discover""""" it and give their guys a few hours off in their confusion. Quirky news story involving the quirky deep and rich history of the school, just a couple of days before the new colors are announced and we hold our spring game? Come on, dudes. Pay attention. I guess all of you will also be surprised when they "realize" that the old west stands are haunted as shit and during games there is enough living energy present to allow them to make contact with our world. When we're doing well, nobody can hear the ghosts over the cheering and when we're not, nobody gets suspicious about the sounds of moaning and sobbing coming from the lower west.