They said it......and pretty much nailed it..

ncjacket said:
This may be the funniest thing I've ever read on StingTalk. BOR as a yes man, especially for Chan? You either a) don't pay much attention to the board, b) have a memory that lasts about 30 seconds, c) don't know what being a yes man means, or d) are simply stupid.
Choice D is my final answer Regis!:laugher:

GeeTee is an utter imbecile. Just like the good ol' bunch over at Pissoff.
ramblinwise1 said:
We return 7 starters on D and 7-8 starters on O so it is fair to expect that we will be a better team. The one big question mark is that freshman QB issue, but I am optimistic that someone will rise to the top and do a credible job.

I'm not worried about a frosh QB issue. We have what appears to be a pretty good QB with game experience and 3 years in the system in Bennett. 2 or 3 decent-good soph and Jr QBs IIRC. If one of the frosh wins the job, he'll have to be the lights out amazing in pratice IMO.
TechGator1066 said:
GeeTee is an utter imbecile. Just like the good ol' bunch over at Pissoff.

You are so eloquent..and way too kind.

If you're not a yes man, you must be a mutt, or pushing a buzzoff agenda, or be using several profiles with a particular motive, or something... whew, that conspiracy theory can be difficult to keep track of. ;)

Just being an advocate of change is way too simple.
So people are either mutts, buzzoffers, etc, or they're yes men? You're no different than those who question whether you're a Tech fan Geetee. It's not always black or white.
Geetee said:
You are so eloquent..and way too kind.

If you're not a yes man, you must be a mutt, or pushing a buzzoff agenda, or be using several profiles with a particular motive, or something... whew, that conspiracy theory can be difficult to keep track of. ;)

Just being an advocate of change is way too simple.
From your posts it just sounds like you would be better off at Pissoff since most of the jackasses there are like you.
ahh... the divided fan bases of GT continues.. how dare anyone here have a critical opinion other than pretending all is rosey. If you do, you must go to certain boards where everyone always agrees with one another. Stingtalk should be better than that.


If your'e not a yes man, you must be a mutt.
Yes, geetee you actually do belong at buzzoff. Not because you are critical of the coaching staff, but because you refuse to acknowledge that someone can be something other than a mutt or a yes man. Those are the idiots who are dividing the fan base. Most Tech fans have things they like about our program and things that concern them, but they aren't 100% one way or the other. The nut cases on both extremes are the ones who start the name calling, etc., that gets things overheated. Much like the problems with American politics, those like you are the problem with the Tech fanbase. And "like you" means unwilling to even listen to someone else's opinion with anything approaching respect.
Geetee, having a different opinion is not your problem. There are actually several that agree with the basics with what you are saying. But instead of making any points of merit, you sit there and bash people on this board for having a different opinion than you. THAT is what gets old. Not the fact that you don't like Gailey. Your problem is you get so upset and it shows anytime someone says anything in defense of Gailey and instead of making your points, you counter attack on that person. It gets old.
BarrelORum said:
Geetee, having a different opinion is not your problem. There are actually several that agree with the basics with what you are saying. But instead of making any points of merit, you sit there and bash people on this board for having a different opinion than you. .

au contraire, mon fraire... I am the one who gets bashed for expressing any viewpoint that doesn't keep Gailey and others on the coaching on some fictitious pedestal. I'll express an opinion on Gailey, staff or something... but never "bash" a poster for not agreeing with me. If that has occured, it is very rare. However, the "bashing" of me is quite evident and often because someone will disagree. Oh, the hypocricy. It doesn't bother me, though. Sorry to disappoint those of you who think it does. ;)
But instead of making any points of merit, you sit there and bash people on this board for having a different opinion than you.

And that MO is what BO is all about. Which is why some people here have accused you of being a well known font from BO - .
You need to reread your posts then geetee. Oh, and by the way, isn't calling someone a yes man bashing them? Just as calling someone a mutt?
Geetee, I'm just trying to help you out, if you don't want to listen then I can't help you.

Speaking from experience, anytime you post something critical of the coaching staff, you have to lay it out in a way people can swallow it. Otherwise you get the sunshine slingers panties in a wad because they cannot fathom someone with such "vitriol" "spewing" anything "negative" about the program.

Try not to take it personally, and stick with the facts that you know. Summing up others as "Yes Men" is an insult.

And I don't think I've ever been accused of being a well known font on Buzzoff. that's a new one to me. Their moderator hates me because anytime he opens his mouth, I own him.
BarrelORum said:
And I don't think I've ever been accused of being a well known font on Buzzoff. that's a new one to me.

You're not the one being accused. GeeTee is being accused of being BBuzzoff - which I'm still confused as to why they added the extra B.

FYI - I don't personally think they're one and the same. They just have some of the same views.
GTWannaBee said:
GeeTee is being accused of being BBuzzoff

This is too fun... I was a poster using several profiles once (citysting), then a "mutt", then a GT fan who presented the real facts that no one wanted to hear, then someone named bb, and now I'm an operative for buzzoff...or per above I "am" BBuzzoff (whatever that means). :laugher:

conspiracy theory? master of disguise? Bond?

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