Things asked at the CGC call in show?

Coach, were you aware that your current juice recipe is by Jim Jones and not Jerry Jones? Oh wait, never mind, they are the same anyway.
Is your “demonstrated ability” the ability to talk enormous amounts of BS or the ability suck to the point of opposing coaches taking pity on you?
Coach, exactly how many people can fit in your car?
Just a high level, elite question. The process for answering, the culture we've built in for answering that question, is being performed daily and those corrections that need to be made will be made.
Coach, is the reason you lift your heels because you are not grounded to reality?

Coach, define elite, because I don't think you know what that means. *Insert princess Bride meme*

Coach, why does it look like you smell like hot dogs?

Coach, can we come up with a something else to call you? Coach doesn't seem to fit, I think I'll just call you Clown.