Things less clown like than Dabo

No, but a watch on one hand and a fitness tracker on the other is (which is what that is)
What about now that studies show that fitness trackers don't contribute to actual fitness?
Science sucks!

What science?

Putting a monitor on your wrist will not make you skinny. Who even thinks it does? Does purchasing a treadmill or a weight set make you lose weight? No. You still have to use them properly to take advantage of them. These monitors just show you how you aren't necessarily moving as much as you should.

This is just like the studies that say that diet sodas won't help you lose weight because people tend to eat more because you feel like you can because you're drinking less calories filled drinks. But that isn't the diet drink's fault, it is your own fault. If you replace your empty calorie drinks with zero calorie drinks and still consume the same food as before, you WILL lose weight.

These aren't studies -- they are wastes of time and money, and are only produced to form headlines so people can make snappy remarks.