Things Tulane has to be proud of

Only one win short of being 0.500 in their new stadium against GT.
They have a new stadium.

Which was broken in with a loss.

To GT.
Student athlete stipend to be paid in plastic beads.
Probably will finish tied with UVa in the coastal
Will have really great seats to see a top 25 football team play
Good food and cheap women near campus. So should they be in the SEC correct?
Every road trip will be less humid than playing at home
Having 13 more wins against Georgia Tech than Mississippi State does.

Having any wins against Georgia Tech, unlike Mississippi State.
Are now part of a conference that isn't as much of a joke as the previous one.
Embarrassing losses unlikely to be seen by Tulane football fans
I would request a DNA test on those women, remember this is New Orleans, some what like Las Vegas. Bring it with you, never the local stuff.
Green wave doesn't draw comparisons to Tampax like Crimson tide does
Win or lose, they drink the booze. Although, there really isn't enough data to verify the 'win' part
Holding any team under 600 yards rushing is a reason to celebrate. They will get to do that 11 times this year
no one will critique your throwning motion after a win