Things you won't be hearing at the StingTalk tailgate this week

Well, I'm only half way into this bottle of gin, so I should stop
Well, I'm only half way into this bottle of gin, so I should stop

What kind of gin? Been doing Hendricks lately, but we have a micro distillery here that I have an in with and will be getting a free sample.
What kind of gin? Been doing Hendricks lately, but we have a micro distillery here that I have an in with and will be getting a free sample.

Usually just the cheap hobo stuff. I don't even remember the name. Probably Segrams or something similar. Being a cheap bastard, it is how I get rid of the kids half drank gatorades or juice boxes.

Ghetto ++
Usually just the cheap hobo stuff. I don't even remember the name. Probably Segrams or something similar. Being a cheap bastard, it is how I get rid of the kids half drank gatorades or juice boxes.

Ghetto ++

Mt Pigah pride. They had Fresca in the pop machine. Interesting mixer with gin. Crank up some Snoop Dog and you're good to go.
Usually just the cheap hobo stuff. I don't even remember the name. Probably Segrams or something similar. Being a cheap bastard, it is how I get rid of the kids half drank gatorades or juice boxes.

Ghetto ++

Many years ago a fellow partygoer asked my younger brother what kind of gin he had, to which he responded, " the cheapest" :biggrin:
Many years ago a fellow partygoer asked my younger brother what kind of gin he had, to which he responded, " the cheapest" :biggrin:
I love gin, but there is some kind of toxin in it that gives me a terrific hangover.
Things you won't hear at Stingtalk tailgate - GTMom. If she shows up again, coit will throw a stone shaped like a football.