Tiggers vs Jackets

Horsehit call!

Exactly--Clemson player came back on the field--how is Young supposed to see one foot out?

The so called fans criticizing Young Suck.

Criticize the guy with the 20 million dollar contract whose offense sucks if you want to criticize.
Take him out. Put Thomas in. Vad needs to get his head out of his ass.
Omfg. Come on Paul. If I was playing xbox I was have rage quit already. This is ridiculous.
What? There is a reason RB dont block DE in the nfl solo in space. It doesnt fkin work. Its a scheme issue. Even dumarse palmer caught on.

+1. No O-line even touched him, it was all on Sims. Bad design. Also there was an A-back just kind of sitting there, blocking nobody
We look like a bunch of idiots. Slipping and falling, missing blocks, dropping kick offs. Get it together jackets!