I might as well let the ship hit the fan in my first statement. "A Democrat or Liberal is someone who wants to spend someone else's money; A Republican is someone who wants to spend his own money".
Every thing should stand or fall on its own merit. If a product or service comes on the market, it should thrive or fail on its own merits. Many times the government props up poor products, plans, or services with tax money when it would fail on its own merit. The government is very abusive in this tactic.
If a University, College, or Insititute is getting tax money, money donated to the institution for general purposes, or other moneys not earned specifically by a given sport, that money should be divided up among the various sports for both men and women equitably.
Any money earned by football should go to support the football program. Any money earned by the men's basketball program should go to that sport. Any money earned by the women's basketball program should go to support that sport. The same goes for all revenue earning sports.
If a given sport takes in more money than it needs to support it, the school should have the authority to spend the excess money for sports in a manner that it deems best for the school. It could be any sport that enhances the reputation of the school and makes it more attractive to lure students to its campus.
Title IX is a liberal gimmick to further destroy the family unit by forcing women's sports into equality with men's sports. It can never be accomplished. Even most women had rather watch men's sports than women's sports, because most women like men better anyway.
There is nothing wrong with having intramural sports for women or any league sports for women as long as it is paid for out of the general fund or can sustain itself with a paying fan base.
It is unreal and ignorant for Title IX to force a person to give donations to a sport against his will. A wealthy alumna donating a large gift to the football program may withdraw his donations when he sees it being used for other programs and the sport he likes (football) is sufering because of the money drained from that program.
As soon as the money dries up from the revenue producing sports because of the siphoning off of monies for other sports, the revenue producing sport will be dropped. After the revenue producing sport is dropped, the other sports will fall like dominoes.
Those that wish to uphold the Title IX law are destroying both the revenue collecting and non-revenue collecting sports. Those wanting to uphold the Title IX law, as it now stands, are either dumb, selfish, or aware of the destruction of its effect on major sports and their goal is the total destruction of revenue sports.
They are enemies of the total sports programs of the institutes.