To all GT players

Guys, it's best to just ignore Ned. He's just a troll. Typically, he only trolls the basketball forum though.
What feature(s) of CPJ's scheme makes it more susceptible to being "figured out" as opposed to more traditional ones? I would love to know.
I might have lost my credibility, but I believe in this offensive system and I believe in Coach Johnson and Coach Sewak.

It truly is unstoppable. If everyone gets a hat on who they are supposed to, and the correct reads (2) are made, it is a touchdown. Not to mention the possibilities in the passing game. And with as much film as I have watched of Johnson's Southern and Navy and Georgia Tech teams, I am absolutely giddy about the next 5-10 years.
No, you have not lost your credibility, you have aroused a fan base that has for too long, (me too) been hypercritical and despairing. Good Job!
To the OP,

Great post. I haven't been around here much the past few days due to the rampant d-baggery. Thanks for bringing a great post to hopefully re-calibrate things around here.
I'm pretty sure this thread is the difference maker between 6-6 and 9-3.
We do have great success in bowl games and games in which opponents have time to prepare for us. We lost to a juco in Kansas ... have been cornholed in 2 bowls. You are in sleeping in PJ Underoo's if you think BCS level coaches aren't going to figure this out. I'm not saying PJ can't adapt, or that eventually we can't master the forward pass.

****ing christ! We don't run a ****ing trick play system. Why is this so ****ing hard for people to get?
