5 fumbles.
Nesbitt fumbled the exchange, then recovered it and dove forward for a TD.
Nesbitt and Dwyer goofed an exchange at the end of the first half.
We fumbled a pooch kick at the beginning of the 3rd quarter to give the ball back to J State. (in pretty Gaileyesque fashion I might add)
Quincy Kelley fumbled a hand off towards the end of the third quarter, but it was recovered by Voss.
Dwyer dropped a Jaybo handoff for a fumble at the beginning of th 4th quarter.
We only lost 2, but we've got to get better at ball security. If we fumble 5 times vs J State, imagine how many times we'll fumble vs someone who doesn't suck.
Wow...I need to get better at my in game details