Two Ways To Address The Problem/s


Flats Noob
May 15, 2003
It's great to be able to come on this board
and express our regrets for the things now
taking place at GT, but please let me remind
all of you what we loyal fans can do to make
an impact;

1. Send personal letters and e-mails to
Dr. Clough and a few letters to the
Athletic Board wouldn't hurt either.

2. Cut back on the amount of $$$ you have
been giving to the AA. I know of no better
way to make an impact to the AA.

Friends, we are facing sad times at the Flats,
my hope is things we get better, but I fear things
are going to get worse.

This O.F. loves the "Yellow Jackets" with all
his "old heart!"
Does anyone have an address for the Athletic Board? Who specifically should we address on the Athletic Board?
I have already sent a letter to President Clough.
It will be interesting to see if the school's administration corrects things in regard to athletics and academics.

Price Memorial Gold
There is no easy way to solve this problem. Its been going on and off for years (at least since the 60s). In the good times we win in football and in the bad times we lose. SO WE CAN WIN!

Probably there are not many out there have the fortitude to do what is necessary to get the attention of the administration. That is to cut the money off. For instance, where does the Alumni Association stand on this? Is this board the only ones who think we have a problem? No one knows where the AA contributors stand. How about individual and corporate contributors? Just where do they stand? Until the MONEY starts to dry up, you will see no change.
Will this hurt the instution and the atheletes? You can bet it will. Sometimes you have to hurt the one you love (in the pocketbook) to get things going in the right direction.
..stopped my contributions after Gailey was hired. I still have season tickets, though.
GeeTee, why did you stop your contributions after Gailey was hired and before he coached his first game.

That is a damning indictment of your attacks on Gailey at this particular time. You are not willing to give him a chance, not because he deserves it, but because you have never wanted him in the first place.
