U of SoFla is real upset @ the ACC

GT Ace

Jolly Good Fellow
Dec 3, 2001
for not allowing the Bulls to play an ESPN Thurs nite game vs Rutgers in Raymond James Stadium less than 48 hrs before the KO of the ACC Championship game. The ACC, through the Tampa Bay Sports Authority, already has control of the field, which everyone knows about.
When South Florida got this recent offer to move the Rutgers game to 2 days before the ACC Championship they got the idea that all plans should change to allow the So Fla-Rutgers accommendation.
The Tampa Bay area certainly did not need their local big-name University to raise such a stink when the city has just accepted the ACC Championship game for the 1st time. Bad PR move by USF.

Both of those teams will be irrelevant this year anyways. They were one-year-wonders and were good stories for a little while.
South Florida will start being a regular middle of the road, sometimes contender in the Big Easy, but Rutgers has actually achieved a pretty decent level of competition.
Cartographers are real upset at South Florida for not actually being in South Florida.
either program would have kicked our ass this past season, and will be higher ranked that Georgia Tech at the end of the coming season. USF may start to falter as their reputation as a repository for other program drop outs and some academic scandals start to become commonplace. Rutgers has achieved a pretty form foundation and should be top 35 and even top 20 some years for as long as Schiano stays there. USF has the lowest paid staff in the Big East and four of their assistants define the lowest salary in the subset of BCS programs. Dan McCarney just left from USF to Flarda and doubled his pay. That will catch up with Leavitt soon.
either program would have kicked our ass this past season, and will be higher ranked that Georgia Tech at the end of the coming season. USF may start to falter as their reputation as a repository for other program drop outs and some academic scandals start to become commonplace. Rutgers has achieved a pretty form foundation and should be top 35 and even top 20 some years for as long as Schiano stays there. USF has the lowest paid staff in the Big East and four of their assistants define the lowest salary in the subset of BCS programs. Dan McCarney just left from USF to Flarda and doubled his pay. That will catch up with Leavitt soon.

Yukon...USF is second rate.

They would not have kicked our ass...they lost 3 in a row to un ranked teams and never deserved to be ranked anywhere nead 2nd.

Then they were absolutely EMBARRASED against Oregon in the Sun Bowl.

T top it off...Nick Sabin had it right, they recruit to the lowest academic standard possible. It will only be a short time before Music Classes are talked about by ESPN for the Bull Ships too.
Rutgers might have the potential to finish above us this year simply on the merit that they're a decent team.

South Florida? No.
Rutgers and South Florida do not even belong in the same sentence with Georgia Tech when it comes to football. Only Chan Gailey made us capable of losing to such nobodies.

Go Jackets!
More comments from Tampa Bay

It appears the Mayor of Tampa has suggested that the city not bid for any more ACC Championship Games. What an absolute mess Tampa Bay has turned this beautiful game into. It's a 'lame-duck' Game & it hasn't even had a chance to begin! Disastrous!
The ACC needs to cut all ties with Tampa/St Petersburg asap. Put the Championship Game in Charlotte & leave it there!

At least they have a hometown mayor in their corner... I hardly think the mayor of Atlanta would go out of her way to rectify a situation if it involved Tech and the SEC championship. Something tells me we wouldn't get much deference in such a scenario.
Pam Iorio is an awful mayor, and USF football means absolutely nothing to that city. And as much as I love the area, it's not a great idea for the ACC title game. It's probably too far from the teams that will play in it. Like Miami will turn it around any time soon... God I hope I don't read that 9 months from now and hate myself...
The president of USF comes across as a complete dolt in that article. Earth to Judy....you are a RENTER. You have to RENT a facility to play football in. One good season does not all the sudden grow you a big phallus to swing around in the local business community to get your way for cryin out loud. You signed a contract to play your home games in a facility that you KNEW would be unavailable December 2~7 of 2008. If you don't want to deal with any scheduling conflicts, then build your own stadium.......I'm sure with all the accomplished Alumni your fine university(sic) produces that raising the money won't be a problem.:laugher:
Yukon...USF is second rate.

They would not have kicked our ass...they lost 3 in a row to un ranked teams and never deserved to be ranked anywhere nead 2nd.

Then they were absolutely EMBARRASED against Oregon in the Sun Bowl.

T top it off...Nick Sabin had it right, they recruit to the lowest academic standard possible. It will only be a short time before Music Classes are talked about by ESPN for the Bull Ships too.
They weren't embarassed by West Virginia though were they?