UGA president

Its an old story. On this very biased board towards Georgia, you'll probably only get one opinion. Adams felt that his school was slighted, somehow, by the BCS system this year.

I believe just last year the playoff system was proposed and Adams was against it. Interesting time to change your opinion, hmm?
I can't believe he came up with this idea all by himself (or at least with a little backing from the State Senate).

What a tool.
In other news, Clough is being named by President Bush to the President's Council on Science and Technology.
I hope he gets his wish at the end of this BCS contract but U[sic]GA finishes #3 this year with one loss(to us), and misses out on the championship to a one loss Florida and USC.
Ugay can say what they want to, USC would've BLASTED them this year. I work with 3 dawgs fans and everyone of them is still saying they wanted a shot at USC
Do they know that USC didn't win the title this year?
They still think the world is flat, that Zubaz are in style and it's perfectly normal for their children to have webbed toes. Reality is not a place visited in the trailer park.
In order to sig something, you have to actually put it in your sig.

I hope he gets his wish at the end of this BCS contract but U[sic]GA finishes #3 this year with one loss(to us), and misses out on the championship to a one loss Florida and USC.

Uh...that can't happen. If we finish the regular season with only having lost to Tech, then Florida can't win the conference. Therefore, under the rules established last year, Florida couldn't advance to the title game.
I hate ugag just as much as the rest of you but looking at it objectively, how could they be mad with where they ended up. LSU won the SEC got the bid to the national champ. ugag got the SEC BCS spot. It sucks for the pooches but they didnt even win their half of the conf. If these bowl ppl would use the conf ratings correctly UT should have been playing UH. I feel they got slightly above what they deserved.