Uh oh...

Dec 4, 2001
Ever heard of the spiral affect?

::show picture here of water down a toilet::

I think you see what I'm trying to get across.

Hope this is rumors and it turns out to be for the best.
everything is going to be o.k. This is the first time that the GT FB program has been in good shape and had to hire a coach since that B___ Le___ debacle so nerves are frayed.
If Greg Garrett knows what he is talking about and I think he does, then we are in deep do do'
From his posts on the hive chatroom it was obvious he indicated that J. Robinson was our guy
and this is not good for our school. He has never coached any position except WR. We don't need an on the job apprentice as our head man. I have supported the Jackets since the 1940's and have been faithful to show up in good times and bad times but I don't know if I will continue to do so if this turns out to be true. If this is true we know the hire is political. This can't be the most qualified prospect that we could have hired.
Well i'll sign off before I say something i'll regret.
there can be many reason why __ is upset. One may be that he has gotten close to some of the coaches and the new coach is going to really clean house.

I do think it has been harmful to wait this long but if you plan on changing the staff then maybe you do have to wait for the bowl game.

As for JR it appears he will bring in Minson (sp) which is giants DL coach and he does have a good resume.

My understanding is that some of the same reasons that Bill Lewis was hired are now working in reverse. Meaning that some people (who advised against Bill Lewis) that were not listened to now HAVE to be listened to. We will have to wait and see. The main thing is I want a plan. It seems like we are just floating. So if they have decided on JR then at least someone has made a decision. For the past week I did not think anyone was capable of that.

We will just have to wait and see.
With such little information, we can only guess the purplexing situation regarding the new coach.

I've got the sneaky feeling my earlier post, "regarding the selection has already been made", is pretty accurate regarding the reason for holding off naming of the coach until after the bowl game.

This makes the most sense. The statement, "what is going on in the selection process may set Tech back", is probably minor. It is probably the normal series of events that takes place at all schools, when a new coach is announced outside of the present staff.

The players start grumbling because someone on the current staff is not named. Some of the staff members grumble because they were not named. It is nothing more than a child not getting what he has demanded. I always get the picture of a small child flinging himself wildly on the floor and screaming. It always blows over.

Yes, sometimes a few players transfer, but normally, not many. The remaining players will soon adjust, and the new coach will have to gain their respect. If he is a caring coach, has a good personality, and is a good leader, it will not take long.

If it is Robinson, instead of the board favorite of McWhorter, I can see the grumbling by the board fans, the assistants, and some of the players. Many on the board have made themselves enemies of the selection by having their sympathetic favorite turned down.

The mature fan will give Robinson a chance and forget their hurt pride caused by having their favorite candidate shot down. Robinson may turn out to be a dud, but he may turn out to be better than the first three coaches in Tech's history. Only time will tell.

If problems arise because of the naming of a new coach, where should the blame lie? We would not have had a problem had the previous coach not resigned to go to another school. So the problems, if any, would have to be attributed to the vacancy. It is that simple.

For me, I will sit back and enjoy the ensuing announcements and pageantry associated with the hiring of a new coach. There is only one candidate I could not be thrilled about, but I would even sit back and withhold my emotions regarding that candidate.

Regardless, you, me, and every other person knows there is better than Robinson out there.

Mike Kruczek, HC Central Florida
Charlie Strong, DC South Carolina
Taafe, OC Maryland
Terry Bowden (yes, he's better), ABC sports
Jim Grobe, HC Wake Forest
Pat Hill, HC Fresno St.
June Jones, HC Hawaii

Now, I invite all those out there to explain why all of these candidates cannot match or beat Robinson. And Kruczek and Strong would almost certainly accept if offered.

I'll hold my tongue on what I think is going on
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr> This makes the most sense. The statement, "what is going on in the selection process may set Tech back", is probably minor. It is probably the normal series of events that takes place at all schools, when a new coach is announced outside of the present staff. <hr></blockquote>

I would like to think so, but realistically, that's wishful thinking. Point out any other time in college football history when such things were uttered within a program and it didn't turn out bad. I hope I'm dead wrong, but that's quite a sobering statement. Let's hope it was his over reacting... or something