UNC fans proclaim UNC is more prestigeous than GT....

Well, except for the engineering and design schools.

From my personal experience has been quiet the opposite. I have worked with two NCSU "engineers" and have found them lacking on many levels. One of those gave up on engineering all together after failing the EIT 6 times! The other was known as "the budget buster". None of the project managers wanted to use this person.
From my personal experience has been quiet the opposite. I have worked with two NCSU "engineers" and have found them lacking on many levels. One of those gave up on engineering all together after failing the EIT 6 times! The other was known as "the budget buster". None of the project managers wanted to use this person.
So two examples = truth? State turns out lots of successful engineers every year.
Southern Tech turns out better engineers than NC State.
Southern Tech turns out some damn good engineers, and IMO shouldn't be in the same breath as NCSU's.

You're wrong... Southern tech turns out good techinical engineers. NC State, GT, Auburn, Vandy etc. turn out good analytical engineers. Depends on what you want. With my Tech degree I could go to pretty much any masters or law program in the country. Couldn't say the same for Southern. And I do know several good engineers from NC State. There's good ones from everywhere and there's bad ones from everywhere...

Plus the fact that NC State grads can sit for the PE 2 years earlier shows that someone out there thinks NC State is better.
UNC fans have always had an arrogant delusion about their school's prestige. My college roommate at Wake Forest was from North Carolina and whenever folks in his town found out he was going to Wake, they would say "too bad you couldn't get into Carolina". I'm not saying that UNC is not a good academic school, but the fans there think it's the most prestigeous school in the country.