Some are missing the forest for the trees. Collins isn't going to give secrets or strategies away, anymore than Johnson did. He is going to do everything he can to be positive because when you are rebuilding it does no one any good to crap on the current state of the program or players. How he is different than Johnson is he is accessible and builds rapport and relationships with the press. He makes his coaches available which I think we all like but the media also appreciates. He has made players more available.
Under Johnson most of the press coverage was negative even when it was just "factual"; many of Ken's articles in the AJC threw in digs constantly. The press coverage currently is positive and getting a positive message out to the community and in front of recruits. The media can always turn on you but until it does, we should enjoy the coverage and appreciate what Collins is doing.
Lastly, I do agree that Johnson could give very interesting answer on particulars related to game play or strategy but I sure hope everyone appreciate when asked about off field stuff and/or recruiting that the answers are different from "we do the same thing as everyone else" or "it is what it is".