When He broke the second tackle, I heard the drunk grandma with braids in 223 saying, “Come at me bro.” And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take a top five team from the earth, and that insects would slay tigers; and a great stinger was given to him.
And Paul spaketh to the masses, and he sayeth, "it is what it is.. It'll be fine. we worked on a bit of this, that and the other. 31 is more than 27. We got some things to work on for next week but tonight, we're just gonna enjoy this win over Clemson.'
That's the shortest verse in the Bible. And I thought you already traded in your testes?
I'm aware of what it is. And I never said they they were my testicles. Whoever's coming to make the trade should pray that I'm carrying a bloody bag when we meet and not a knife.
I know you aint trading your testicles. Who did you rob/dismember?
We live in a world of uncertainty. Someone will get drunk enough on Saturday that they won't think twice when I ask them to come with me to the porta potty.
And Paul spaketh to the masses, and he sayeth, "it is what it is.. It'll be fine. we worked on a bit of this, that and the other. 31 is more than 27. We got some things to work on for next week but tonight, we're just gonna enjoy this win over Clemson.'
And as they lay in the ruins, with all the planning yesteryear, Dabo stood over them, a father figure of sorts, thanking them for their participation. And so it was and so it is.
And to this Clemson Defense, which is exalted, everyone who passes by it shall be astonished, and shall hiss; and they shall say, why hast the Lord of spread option done this to Dabo and this Defense.
Gaileytians 5:20-21
Idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of Dodd.
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The light of the body is the eye: of therefore thine eye be single, the whole body shall be full of knees. Mathew 6:22