Vandy Fans Want Niumatalolo

But are you surprised that even they are infected with the SEC Delusion virus? They got whooped up and down the field today but it was all because of their coaching.
Absolutely according to their people at the game they were the better athletes. They were bigger, faster, stronger, overall much better athletes than us it was all coaching according to their boards
Vandy would be much better served doing something "different." Whether a form of CPJ's spread option or something akin to what Texas Tech did with the coach whose name just escaped me a while back when they threw the ball 50 times a game.

Vandy lining up and running the same "pro set" style offense as the much more athletic teams in their conference seems fool hardy. They need to do some thing scheme wise to help negate the talent disadvantage they have to a degree.
This! Vandy can't out Florida and Georgia and Tennessee with the same old same old.
I'd rather live in Nashville than any place in MD
As the other replies have said Annapolis in particular is the saving grace of MD. And some of the near Delaware beaches. But that's similar to being complimentary of Communist Russia's beautiful cities.
I'd rather live in Nashville than any place in MD

Why is everyone ganging up on the PRMD? It's a pretty state and Baltimore is only a tiny part. They're also starting to give real democracy a try by recently electing a non-soc/com president.
But are you surprised that even they are infected with the SEC Delusion virus? They got whooped up and down the field today but it was all because of their coaching.

Thats the Georgia Tech delusion virus. It applies to ACC teams just as much as it does to other conferences. It's media driven. When Miami loses to FSU it's because of talent. When they lose to us it's because of coaching. Every time, that's the media narrative. That's why coaches drive their kids harder the week before playing GT. It's also why teams have let-down games the week after GT.
Anyone who thinks Nashville is a better place to live than Annapolis is a ööööing idiot.
1. Why would Ken N@#$%^&*&^%$# give up being paid the highest U.S. federal government employee - bar none????? His base salary is double Obama (America is a total horror show - har har hardee har har )
2. At least - if Ken switched coaching - Vanderbilt maintains a "nautical" theme (har har hardee har har)
3. New Jersey is a nicer place to live than Annapolis. (just my humble and educated opinion) (har har hardee har har)
I've never seen a board talk so highly of their squad and bad about the other team after a 38- 7 loss before.. "wouldn't work in the SEC, too much speed" lmao what year is it. Things never change.