Vandy game at the Dome???


beware the zealot
Dec 17, 2001
rumor has it over on the Hive that the Vandy game will be moved to the Dome because the stadium will not be ready? Anybody else heard that?

If that's true how long will they wait to tell us?? How will they assign tickets and get them distributed on time if they don't announce it soon?

I think this would really stink if true. Law_bee wouldn't that be a breach of contract.
Parking would be a disaster and tailgating would be impossible. Only upside in my mind would be the air conditioning on 8/31.
We are coming down from Charlottesville either way, but I will admit it would be a disappointment because I was really looking forward to seeing the new stadium. It would be a logistical nightmare this late distributing tickets. Remember this is OUR ticket office and we're normally lucky just to get our tickets on time for the first game in a "normal" season. Either way, I'll bee there and the inconvenience will be short-lived if it does happen. Me personally I think we'll be in BDS@HGF. I don't buy the message of they aren't going to work 24 hour shifts. If true, that is some frustrated construction foreman spouting off at the mouth. Carter-Turner or whatever its name is has a reputation at stake here. A HIGH PROFILE reputation in the Atlanta area. I doubt they want to be known as the group who was late.
JT, I thought you lived in Malaysia

I hope you are right. Any Tech men at Carter-Whoever that we could talk to, to get the real lowdown.

Seriously, I thought you ran an integrated circuit manufacturing operation in Malaysia that only employed "manly" women!!!

I think they'll be ready. Talked to people on site several times, and sounded as though they'd be cutting it close but ready. The only thing not ready would be "ammenities." They've been working around the clock for a long time. In a weeks period of time it's amazing what can be done. Going to see my grandfather tomorrow in good ol Hotlanta. Will stop by BDS and the Edge for more pictures while trying to speak to someone on site.

I think you'll get to see the first game with the rest of us at BDS GT J.T. Glad you and the family will be coming down.
I've been taking classes this summer, making it a point to walk by the stadium once a week or so. The first half of the summer went slow. They tore everything down fast but for a while nothing was going up. Evidently they ran into some unknown pipes and wires (not to mention a slab of granite, which required explosives, which required permits). But man, once they had that foundation down for the east and south they went to town bringing up the stands. Now (from what I can tell) they have all but a very small portion of the north foundation laid, and are probably around three to four weeks (uneducated guess) away from getting all the bleachers in place.

In short, I think they'll be done.

PS - CowGill has absolutely no knowledge of structures except what he learned in the statics and dynamics course he dropped this past spring, and enjoys talking about himself in the third person. Please do not use this information for gambling purposes.
I have read that there will only be 43,000 seats ready at the beginning of the season. Does anyone know if this is true for sure? I really hope BDS is ready b/c football indoors just doesn't work for me. Besides, last time we played in a dome we turned the ball over six times, got embarrassed, and our QB Godsey tore his ACL. Let's hope the dome is a non issue.
Definitely, No Dome is good news. Let's hope they finish this on time, damnit.
I agree 100%

last time we played in the dome we lost our QB

if we were to lose one of our lineman all b/c the construction crew does not want to work at night that could seriously derail our season

not to mention you want to debut your "new" stadium opening day
Great comments. Someone who knows Da Braine very well (Bwear?) please give him the message that the group at StingTalk will agree to volunteer up spare time to work on the stadium to be ready for opening day. Right guys!!???!!

I can paint and lay sod, but I'm not very good at electrical and plumbing.
1147, there will be 43,719 seats for this season. This link on says that the stadium expansion is on schedule, so I guess we'll see. I hate the dome, and really don't want our team to have to play there. Artificial turf is the devil!
Too many players get injured on that crap, and we don't need anybody getting hurt, especially that early.