Vick reportedly accepts plea deal

After Virginia files their charges and the commissioner lays down the NFL's verdict, Vick is likely done.
What about the IRS? Is Vick liable for the taxes, if he netted any money on the illegal gambling?
What about the IRS? Is Vick liable for the taxes, if he netted any money on the illegal gambling?

Excellent question. I heard on the news that part of Vick's fine will be to pay three times what ever he profited from the enterprise. Apparently, then, there was a profit and since we haven't heard the IRS weigh in on this he must have paid the taxes.

I also heard that the motivation for Vick to reach a deal is that the government was going to prosecute him for RICO activities if he didn't plea.
Apparently, then, there was a profit and since we haven't heard the IRS weigh in on this he must have paid the taxes.
I wouldn't automatically assume that. I expect the IRS will let everything play out and then swoop in to get their cut.
Vick should go down for 3 - 5 years for the crimes of dog fighting and killing the dogs. If the NFL and Falcons Ownership do not ban Vick from the game they are fools. PETA and HSUS have gained more members and press about this issue than ever before.

As a hunter and dog owner PETA and HSUS are on us all the time about our sport. Vick has helped these two groups gain members and money due to his stupidity. If it is true that the Judge can change the terms of the Plea Deal and sentence Vick to a longer jail time that would be great. Increase the fine even better.

Then the NFL and Arthur Blank need to Ban Vick from the game, not even allowing him to attend NFL games.
So, Arthur you gonna do what is right?

I understand Vick looks good in Orange?
So just how does Arthur Blank ban Vick from anything except playing for the Falcons? Also why would you think increasing the fine on Vick would be better than increasing jail time? You think he cares what fines they levy?
Reportedly the plea deal agreed upon between Vick's attorney's and the prosecution calls for 12-18 months. Given the reported reputation of the judge overseeing this case I would not be surprised to see Vick get somewhere between 24-30 months. Michael Vick better choose his words wisely on Monday --it could mean the difference of a years worth of time in prison.

I don't think it's lost on any of us how stupid this really is --how in the heck do you put yourself in this situation when you are a highly paid, highly visible, highly touted professional athlete with millions of dollars at your disposal.

Michael Vick could afford to do practically anything he wanted as far as having fun with his friends --trips to Vegas, Hawaii, private cruise ship get the idea. But he has to set up a freakin' dog kennel -a dog kennel to raise, fight and --sicker yet-- to watch these animals fight to the death --not to mention the detestible things done to some of these dogs?

He has no one to blame but himself for the unbelievably stupid choices he has made.
I believe Vick will get enough time to cause him to lose at least two seasons of football. After that, his debt will be paid, and he should not be barred from playing by the NFL. Let the market work, if a team wants to have Vick as their QB, let them have him.

If the Falcons let him go, which I think they should and have every right to do, what are cap implications? I understand why bonuses are held against the cap, keeping teams from using bonuses to get around the cap. But, some work on the rules needs to be done so that when a team cuts a player because of moral/legal issues such as in this case, there is some cap relief.
I believe Vick will get enough time to cause him to lose at least two seasons of football. After that, his debt will be paid, and he should not be barred from playing by the NFL. Let the market work, if a team wants to have Vick as their QB, let them have him.

Quite a few people want the NFL to stay away from concurrent sentences. They want the NFL to suspend Vick on top of whatever he receives from the court. That plus all of the pressure from PETA and the like leads me to believe Vick won't be wearing an NFL uniform ever again. Keep in mind how old he will be in 3 years (30).
Also, I think that Roger Goodell will be interested in --and is waiting to find out what it is Michael Vick is actually pleading guilty to. Once this becomes known the NFL will probably have a better idea as to the type of suspension to levy against Vick --concurrent or post-prison.

Given Goodell's short track-record with those who haven't actually been convicted of or plead guilty to any charges --I can see a possible two-year suspension from the NFL.

Speculation at this point, but if Vick pleads guilty to any charges having to do with gambling --considering the nature/severity of potential charges in this area --there could be a lifetime banishment from the league.
I think Vick should get what the Law believes he deserves but I do not think he should be banned from the league because of an offense that has nothing to do with football. He's not Pete Rose betting on games or Donaghy fixing them. This is a guy that fought dogs. I'm not condoning his behavior but a ban is ridiculous to me. Losing his career, on the other hand, is a different story.
I don't know if whether he pleads to anything related to gambling matters to the NFL. If their investigators confirm that he was involved in gambling or consorting with gamblers, he can be suspended for that whether it has anything to do with football or not IIRC. While dog fighting is illegal and the league doesn't want that associated with one of their star players, I think the gambling issues are much more of a focus for them.
I think Vick should get what the Law believes he deserves but I do not think he should be banned from the league because of an offense that has nothing to do with football. He's not Pete Rose betting on games or Donaghy fixing them. This is a guy that fought dogs. I'm not condoning his behavior but a ban is ridiculous to me. Losing his career, on the other hand, is a different story.

It relates to the NFL in that it violates the conduct policy that all players are aware of. The NFL is trying to clean up its image. Players like Pacman Jones, Michael Vick, etc. are ruining that image and destroying the young fans they are meant to be role models to. Think I'm worng? Just look at how many jerseys of his are still being worn in "support" of him.
Plus the gambling prohibition goes way back. Paul Hornung lost a year to suspension for gambling in the 60s even though everyone knew he wasn't betting on football. Personally I think that's why Vick copped a plea. He suddenly realized that fighting dogs was the least of his problems with the NFL and hopes this will stop their investigation.
Am I a bad person if I don't care anything about the dog fighting thing? I do find it strange that you would go through the trouble of drowning or electrocuting dogs when a simple bullet would do the trick a lot simpler and cleaner. Point being, dog fighting really is nothing compared to what Pac-man Jones is accused of, just for example.
That being said, I am just happy as a Falcons fan that they can get out of their contract with Vick, since he cost so freakin' much and sucked as a consistent quarterback.
Well, if you don't care about the "dog thing" you certainly don't have the same morals I do. By the way who was the NFL player that went on TV with another player and laughed about it. He said something to the extent that if you wanted to see dog fighting he could take you to several places they were held. I believe it was Portis, but I'm not sure. Anyway, whoever it was, certainly isn't laughing about it on TV now.
I care about the dog thing, but I'm a little surprised at how upset people are about it. All you heard on TV was how shocking and disgusting it was that Vick could drown those dogs with his own hands...where do these people think their hamburgers come from? Cows are raised solely so they can die by having their head cut off with a chainsaw...drowning would be preferable. People raise animals just so they can stock a fenced off portion of forest for people to hunt and kill with a bow & arrow. I guess it is just a case of people thinking about what they want to think about and ignoring the rest.

That being said of course I think he was wrong to do this, and he deserves what he gets. His actions were his and he had to know that he was on the wrong side of the law. But I don't think it falls on the NFL to inflict additional punishment...let the US justice system do its job; that's what it's there for. If they give him 18 moths of prison, that's what the punishment should be; it shouldn't be 18 months of incarceration and then he's not allowed to return to his career(if capable of course).

For anyone who's interested, this is an article portraying the situation in a different light. I don't agree with everything in it, but I think it makes a couple good points:

Edit: And I believe it was Joey Porter who did what you are referring to gtguy. He was laughing about how shocked everyone was that Vick was doing dogfighting, because apparently it's a very common occurrence.
I am just happy as a Falcons fan that they can get out of their contract with Vick, since he cost so freakin' much and sucked as a consistent quarterback.

I think I may have read somewhere that the Falcons could still have to pay MV $8 million this year even if he goes to jail. Can anybody clarify this?
I too find this whole thing a little overblown. What hypocrits to condemn Vick to a lifetime of shame for being a part of what I have heard. We are surrounded by people who get woodies thinking about getting in a stand and blasting bambi but think that this dog fighting thing is tantamount to violence against a person. What F***ing hypocrits. SHAME ON Y'ALL.

If I were in the woods and saw a pit bulldawg and a deer, I'd feel a H*** of a lot better about shooting the dawg than the deer. These animals are not pets they are bred monsters. While I don't have any respect for the thugs that want to gamble on them fighting, I have less respect for the good ole boys who breed them for money.

And these PETA freaks... don't get me started on them. After X million years of eating meat and drinking milk, we are now supposed to graze like rabbits? Geez. More supercilious idiots who think that they know more than all who have come before them.

Yes, I am drinking whiskey clear...