VPI Tailgate

We better do a group hug at the tailgate or I'm gonna get someone in a sleeper hold!

If Coit's at the tailgate, it'l be a blackout

Your head is safe, I'm driving back from CLT so I probably won't get there until just before game time.

Might stop by afterwards though.
So where is the exact location of the ST tailgate tomorrow and is there any decent spots to park close to it?
So where is the exact location of the ST tailgate tomorrow and is there any decent spots to park close to it?

Dude it's the same location as almost every time. On Marietta street RV lot across from Salvation Army and engineers bookstore. If you don't show up this time too, I'm gonna find you and beat your ass back to the RV lot to show you where it is.
So where is the exact location of the ST tailgate tomorrow and is there any decent spots to park close to it?

For the newbies:
Dropped Pin
near 717 Marietta St, Atlanta, GA 30318

You can park across Tech Pkwy in Student Ctr deck (you will need a pass) or you can park on Tech Pkwy and pay the attendant. The attendant for the RV lot let me park there last time, but that may not work for everybody :wink:
Thanks, so will there be a flag of Dede or a Stingtalk flag flying so we don't run up on the wrong tailgate? Or do we just look for a bunch of dudes standing around holding dirty dogs and no chicks in sight?
Thanks, so will there be a flag of Dede or a Stingtalk flag flying so we don't run up on the wrong tailgate? Or do we just look for a bunch of dudes standing around holding dirty dogs and no chicks in sight?

follow the sound of Akinji's yelling "To Hell with Georgia!!!" to the place where The Jacket is lying on the floor after too many shots and then you should be close enough to see all the guys with name tags that say our fonts

so make sure to wear your Highriser name tag!
And two chicks... Mrs. Corndog and GTMom!
So who all is showing up to this thang?
I might make it by; gotta make my rounds :lol