We got a girl driver folks..

Reck Club has always had a higher proportion of female members than the campus as a whole, it's nice to see that translate to the driver position too.
Reck Club has always had a higher proportion of female members than the campus as a whole, it's nice to see that translate to the driver position too.

Good to have a fellow Computational Media major driving the wreck.

The Bachelor of Science in Computational Media is a collaborative effort by the College of Computing and the School of Literature, Media, and Communication (LMC). The program offers a thorough education in all aspects of the computer as a medium: the technical, the historical-critical, and the applied.

This is real?
This is real?

People want more girls in school, they want a better football team, and they want higher US News rankings. The answer to all of those is liberal arts majors.
Tread lightly

You read it wrong. It's a graphic design major, which is awesome.

What we really need to add is a computational communications major. Companies are increasingly turning to social media to monitor real-time consumer sentiment and response, and the people who do that work right now are terrible and generally not very analytically focused. Tech could make a killing on a strong quantitative program run between the CoC and Psychology.

Then you advertise it to athletes as "majoring in twitter" (but, in true Tech format, the major will probably require 3 semesters of Calculus, Diff Eq, Real Analysis, and 2 semesters of Java).
When was the last time we had a girl driver?

oh look I found the 1988 Georgia Tech W-L record


Trust me, that was an improvement on 1987's record. We beat South Carolina, a D-1 team, in '88.
Trust me, that was an improvement on 1987's record. We beat South Carolina, a D-1 team, in '88.

It looks like we beat a #8 ranked South Carolina team too. then lost to everyone else not named VMI or Chattanooga.
Next call in show:
"Coach, were you aware that the last time there was a female driver for the RR the football team went 3-8? Given that, are you willing to place the blame for this year's failures at the feet of the RRC for electing a female driver?"

Has the potential for a really epic response.