We suck so bad.


There are a few teams in the Atlantic worse than us.

Great. Maybe BC and Wake can play for the right to play us in the ACCSG - the Atlantic Coast Conference Suckaship Game. Have the game in Jacksonville in front of another crowd of close friends, families and others with nothing better to do.

Actually, I'd go see it. Closer for me than driving to Atlanta.
I like this team, I like CPJ, I like Justin Thomas. But, I can't argue with the title of this thread.

I have never seen a season like this. It doesn't make sense to me. I'll be at every game. But, we just lost to a team that sucks and we have only beaten one good team.
I like this team, I like CPJ, I like Justin Thomas. But, I can't argue with the title of this thread.

I have never seen a season like this. It doesn't make sense to me. I'll be at every game. But, we just lost to a team that sucks and we have only beaten one good team.

Yeah, but we stormed the field.

We will beat the Mutts, because we shouldn't.
I did not. That was before my time.

I did. It was a different era. I would say now is worse. Back then, most teams were rarely on tv and there was no national coverage where everyone in the country knew we sucked.
I did. It was a different era. I would say now is worse. Back then, most teams were rarely on tv and there was no national coverage where everyone in the country knew we sucked.

Agreed. And back then, I still bought into the academics-is-more-important wanking that GT people love to kid themselves about.

Notre Dame was the only school that got any press for being good and (supposedly) academically stout. Today it's also Stanford, occasionally Northwestern or Vandy, and even Duke for öööö's sake.