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I don't hate PJ but because of the triple O he cant recruit. I talked to a Asst. Coach about 3 months ago and he said we were a joke. He said that nobody would come to GT and poor ol PJ still trying to prove everybody wrong.

You talked to an assistant coach at gt and he said that? Calling bullshit.
It disappoints me that the thread that spells "sucks" like a porn video with a typo by someone who wanted us to lose is getting so much attention.
öööö you. It's all CPJ's fault, right? He coaches defense too? Our D is young. We need time. We get JHD and Whitehead back next year, which will make our line much improved. Our secondary is very young and will also take some time to grow. I'm not calling for either coaches head just yet. You're probably drunk, and just witnessed a loss. Chill, and get off the internet.

Well, yeah, CPJ is the CEO. It is 100% his responsibility. That is why he is grossly overpaid per the results and why he has the big private bathroom.

"We need time." :bowrofl: Good gosh:rotfl: Thank heaven you were not in charge during WWII - jeepers.
Tough to jump off a cliff about the state of the program. We lost two games when we screwed ourselves. Its not like we were run out of the stadium in either game. Turnovers, penalties, and tackling are not chronic, systemic problems. I admit, we are not going to compete with the top 5, but we can win the ACC Coastal and see what happens with our current strategy.
Tough to jump off a cliff about the state of the program. We lost two games when we screwed ourselves. Its not like we were run out of the stadium in either game. Turnovers, penalties, and tackling are not chronic, systemic problems. I admit, we are not going to compete with the top 5, but we can win the ACC Coastal and see what happens with our current strategy.

Dude, these two games were embarrassing.
This is hilarious, way too much thinking goes into all this disecting the blame game. We are 5-2 and are a couple of plays from being 7-0; our defense is lousy with 4 returning so-so starters back, CTR inherited a dumpster fire and will take him time to get his guys in his system.

If we can fire CPJ and hire some magical coach that goes 12-0 & beats UGA, VT, Miami and Clemson every year like some of you feel like is a realistic expectation then great im all for it. Muschamp and Brady Hoke were two of the most high profile big time hires just 3 years ago; the "best" up-and-coming coaches in the country and they are now both awful. I would like to even know an actual name that you would consider firing him for + paying his buyout. I get emails about $15 game ticket deals so clearly we aren't exactly rolling in $$$ to just throw cash at 5-2 coaches to tell them to GTFO.
Sorry for the meltdown but I see whats coming. I actually talked to a high school head coach who said that nobody wants to go to GT because of "The System". He told me that a lot of coaches look at GT as a joke among college teams. He did say however that a kid who is trying to get a good education and play a little football should look into GT. Great.
Sorry for the meltdown but I see whats coming. I actually talked to a high school head coach who said that nobody wants to go to GT because of "The System". He told me that a lot of coaches look at GT as a joke among college teams. He did say however that a kid who is trying to get a good education and play a little football should look into GT. Great.

This is beyond retarted.
...I actually talked to a high school head coach who said that nobody wants to go to GT because of "The System". He told me that a lot of coaches look at GT as a joke among college teams. He did say however that a kid who is trying to get a good education and play a little football should look into GT. Great.
This is beyond retarted.

There are recruits saying things to the same effect, but to put that out as fact is wrong for some reason...

Chris Conley visited Tech and considered but he said "Comparing Georgia Tech to other schools that have offered there are things that are easy to compare off the bat like academics. They have some good programs and their engineering degree have a lot of weight and they are good in the business world compared to other schools. They rank pretty high in academics. Football wise you are comparing apples to oranges because Tech has that triple option, so there are different things to consider for me in terms of the offensive play. Other teams like to spread the ball around, but Tech's priority is to run the ball and throw deep. Those are different things to compare. Academically it looks really good, but football wise I have to take a deeper look at it."


but ... Chris Conley is probably just trying to say that it ISN'T the offense and its really that we don't have an arts degree program....

Sorry for the meltdown but I see whats coming. I actually talked to a high school head coach who said that nobody wants to go to GT because of "The System". He told me that a lot of coaches look at GT as a joke among college teams. He did say however that a kid who is trying to get a good education and play a little football should look into GT. Great.

You're an idiot and a liar.
I drive StingTalkers craaaazy
I do it on the daaaaaily
buy me glacial ices
while I'm postin bigcrieses
Munson, Murray, Gurley
All their knees
are so broken
dawgs start barkin
I say öööö dem

So i keep on bumpin'
and I no I ain't stumpin'
and here I bump.

I bump. I bump. I bump. I bump. I bump. You love my little bumps. check it out.
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