Week 8 Schadenfreude


Big Dummy
Aug 26, 2008
Meltdown, week 8 edition. A week behind again, sorry. Still some quality schadenfreude from last week:


THE Ohio State
This game is Gunner Kiel mixed with Joshua Dobbs levels of ugly
The Cubs have made the World Series more recently than Ohio State has won a football game.
Harbaugh is going to drink so much milk tonight

Does this count as a quality loss?
Craig James Killed Five Cougars
SMU ran over our ny6 chances with a Gold Lambo.

Texas Tech
Our secondary strategy is "Maybe they wont catch it"
"You get a record, You get a record, Everybody gets a record!"
Why in the frenchman’s öööö do I still watch this donkey ass of a team anymore? They take a gift from Jesus Christ of a QB and give him a defense that couldn’t stop 11 down syndrome children in wheelchairs from scoring 50 points. Then they have the audacity to let the biggest ööööbag of cat turds that is Baker Mayfield throw 7 tds and win while walking away with a smile on his fat öööö of a face? I’d rather get analy ööööed by a chainsaw than lose to that Oklahoma ööööboy.

Texas A&M
"Coach we've got literally -50 yards off of screen plays today. What's the call on 3rd and 8?"
"Run another! They'll never see it coming!"
That play call was quite literally a öööö covered dick, but the punt was gorgeous
If this was NCAA we'd just turn off the game and throw the controller on the ground! öööö you Jim, you can't be Bama every ööööing time!