What is it about this board ? (and a thanks)

Ok, group hug and the singing of our fight song will now take place !
Originally posted by bellyseries:
I'm an amillenialist AND a non-dispensationalist.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Bellyseries:

Good for you! Glad to see you come out of the closet, that’s what an open forum is all about.

The first step is the biggest.
Yes, let me correct that:

My name is bellyseries and I'm an amillenialist and a whatever that other thing is."
well, apparently my ability to amend my own posts has been compromised.....so be it.
Enough is Enough!! Quit the polysyllabic verbalizing and let's meet over at the 'V' for beer and onion rings(I'll bring the antacid!)!!

I enjoy this board very much. Surprised more posters aren't here, but prefer good replies rather than attacks on opinions. Just because someone questions a coaches tactics doesn't make them a 'coach basher'. So sick of people trying to make posts about 'coach bashers' when someone questions a coaches tactics.
It has been said before, but this very thread is a prime example of why this board is a great board.
Every one's personality is freely on exhibition and yet disagree as we will/do/shall we keep bouncing back.
beeware, I don't care what you say, I still love you buddy, and I know you are wanting Tech to be the very Best as we all do. Keep adding excitement as you always have.
Now, let's all line up in a circle and hold hands while singing "Up With the White and Gold" (with props and in loving memomory to one of the most colorful and greatest ever: Coach Pete.
&lt;popeye voice&gt; "Oh, well, it's..UP with the white and gold, DOWN with the red and black!"&lt;/popeye voice&gt;
Belly....there you go again...I needed a laugh and you sure provided it.. thanks .....great humor....applause from a Pre-Mil and a little "d"
dispensationalist, mostly republican. Great commments all. In a personal way: especially, "PopEye", "spellingbee"(that's my boy, like father like son){{sorry to blow your cover}} and "goldeagle". This has been a truly great thread from top to bottom.
Originally posted by spellingbee:
what in the hell is an.....

We'll tell you in about a thousand years.

Good one !

This board IS simply the best. Great layout. Great graphics. Really good posters. And so easy to read compared to the Hive. Let's do something to raise some $$ for Stingtalk!