What is the correct spelling of BayBay?


Oct 21, 2008
D. "B." Thomas apparently wants to be called by his nickname. Is there a consensus on how it oughtta be spelled? I have seen BayBay (which I tend to use) and BeyBey and sometimes even BeBe and other variations on capitalization (i.e. Baybay) and stuff. I'd like to know if anyone thinks they have a definitive answer. Sorry if this was raised a long time ago and I missed it. Please don't call the Repost Police on me! Thanks.

EDIT: It seems that the most accepted spelling is Bay-Bay.
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It used to always be BeBe.

Now it's always BayBay

That's from posters. I know nothing regarding this subject.
I always do Bebe. They probably put Bay-bay on his profile so that people know how to pronounce it.
He apparently has a tattoo that spells it "Bay-Bay". I myself got tattoo'ed on the hive for spelling it BeBe (because he got the nickname from the cartoon, spelled with "e"s).

I know; it's shocking that I'd get lampooned for something like that over there.

So yeah, it should be spelled BeBe, but apparently it's really Bay-Bay, hyphen and all.
I believe he was asked in an ajc interview and said it was bay-bay.

I didn't find where Thomas himself said it was Bay-Bay, but I did find several AJC articles that repeatedly spell it Bay-Bay.

Thanks for the input everyone. I am going to go with Bay-Bay until I see something to prove otherwise.
A girl in my girlfriend's sorority is a training assistant on the team. She said that Bay-Bay's grandma called him that ever since he was little, so it means a lot to him. I don't know if maybe his grandma passed, leading him to put it on his jersey, or something like that. That's the story behind the name though, I've heard that from 2 or 3 different people before.