What makes you angrier?

GeeTee, I won't bore anyone unnecessarily with a rehash of my position, but I am sticking to my guns on Gailey. The next 5 weeks will probably be enough time to see if he will turn over the apple cart.

However, this last post of yours has let a lingering doubt resurface.
That is, with so much crap already in the water upstream at the time of GOL's departure, was Clough looking for a guy that "wouldn't say sh*t even if he had a mouthful"?
If so, that would fit nicely with the decree that CG would stay out all non football related business.

This is the one thing that worries me. Tech football certainly does not need a yes man to the hill.
We will find out shortly. At least I will have a better idea.
My point is simply that it's not going to happen. Gailey will be the coach for the forseeable future. You make a couple of good points, but you also gloss over real issues where they don't fit into your neat little world view.

FWIW I do believe we would be able to find another good coach if we had need to. I don't suscribe to the theory that we'd be lucky to find interested candidates.

My feeling is that this year's team has shown improvement from Chan's first 3. We're a better team, we have better wins and even those "bad" losses weren't that bad. Both NCState and UVA are bowl teams (don't even start on the too many bowls deal), even if they aren't teams we feel we should have lost to. Va Tech was ridiculous, but we stood up to Miami, Auburn and ugag. A couple of plays here and there and we might be taking 9-2. Sure a couple going the other way and we might be 5-6, but that's the nature of college football.

So my point is, we have a coach and he will be here for a while. To hammer on replacing Chan at this point is pointless. It's not about accepting mediocrity. It's about beliefs around what will get Tech where we all want it to be quickest. Some feel that Chan has earned his shot to finish what he's started. Why not stop insulting them?
what happens in 5 weeks?

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5 weeks is an arbitrary number, but offensive and ST coaching changes/additions.
I'd be surprised at any offensive changes to tell you the truth.

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That would be offensive. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbdn.gif

Seriously, why would that surprise you?
Well, what do you think he's going to do? Unless Nix leaves or is reassigned and we find a new QB coach, I don't see anything else changing. The OL is coming around, don't see him doing anything with Geis, maybe he would juggle RB and TE, etc., but those are minor.
Well, what do you think he's going to do? Unless Nix leaves or is reassigned and we find a new QB coach, I don't see anything else changing.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's a start.
What makes you think CCG will give anyone else more freedom than he's given Nix?
What makes you think CCG will give anyone else more freedom than he's given Nix?

[/ QUOTE ]

GE, my entire basis for wanting CG back is the belief that he will graduate to head coach. In doing so he will have realized that his way of getting it done was not the best way.

I just have a hunch that a big part of his new deal was to make some important changes in the way he runs his program.
I also think he is smart enough to do it on his own.

If I am wrong about this and things are status quo, I will have wished that a head coaching job had occurred.
I don't expect others to share this opinion. Its just mine.