When are season tickets getting mailed

Just got my email today for my season tickets (I guess I opted out of having them mailed to me this year). No Tennessee tickets for me in the email.

Same here. I'm more than a liitle concerned given the ticket offices level of incompetence.
Just got the UT tickets in a separate email.
In the tradition of crappy season ticket holder gifts (clear plastic bag, OB coin, foam coasters) I wonder what we will get this year?

I am personally rooting for GT fidget spinners.
Just got the UT tickets in a separate email.
This stinks! This is total BS! This...

Oh, here they are.

Bad news from my UPS tracking:

Forest Park, GA, United States 08/18/2017 8:21 A.M. We've incorrectly sorted the package at our facility. This may cause at least one business day delay.
Atlanta, GA, United States 08/17/2017 2:08 P.M. Arrival Scan
Little Rock, AR, United States 08/17/2017 4:42 A.M. Departure Scan
Little Rock, AR, United States 08/16/2017 11:03 P.M. Arrival Scan
Ft. Smith, AR, United States 08/16/2017 8:01 P.M. Departure Scan
08/16/2017 5:00 P.M. Origin Scan
United States
My tickets were delivered this morning. No extra gift (a la clear bag or low-quality coasters), but the quality of the tickets is quite nice. Tennessee tickets were included in the same package. Overall, a much better execution by GTAA than last season IMHO.
My tickets were delivered this morning. No extra gift (a la clear bag or low-quality coasters), but the quality of the tickets is quite nice. Tennessee tickets were included in the same package. Overall, a much better execution by GTAA than last season IMHO.
I really thought they would add something this year to inCREASE the ticketholder's satisfaction.
I really thought they would add something this year to inCREASE the ticketholder's satisfaction.
I hope they don't waste time, effort, and money sending me a useless kick-knack. Next year I expect a Championship commemorative token!
These tickets are un-crease-able. Like, if I tried to fold it up and stuff it in my pocket like before I would probably draw blood. At least we got some sweet non-GT branded lanyards to hang around our neck.
Also good thing they didn't put Dedrick on one of the tickets... :chad: