When does the Russell Athletic contract expire?


Memes posted are not fact checked for accuracy
Oct 21, 2009
We need Nike or UA. It's costing us recruits. Nobody wants Russell swag :furious:
Could someone list the names of kids we offered that we lost due to the R contract?

I am not saying we did not lose any because I have no idea, but it would be nice to know - sorta.
Could someone list the names of kids we offered that we lost due to the R contract?

I am not saying we did not lose any because I have no idea, but it would be nice to know - sorta.

I really doubt there's someone we lost directly due to it. I think it's more of an overall image thing. For example, kids may be able to easily picture themselves putting on those crazy Oregon unis or the classic gold ND helmets and it may make the fit seem more "right".

But let's be honest, it's probably a very, very small factor.
Is Bugle Boy an option when our contract expires? They always made decent clothes.
I hear Kanye is struggling with money. Maybe we could get a sweet deal on some Yeezy unis.
I hear Kanye is struggling with money. Maybe we could get a sweet deal on some Yeezy unis.


Home and away Yeezy uniforms

Thought the breakdown was interesting especially the last 2 years
Georgia Tech Inks 10-Year
Apparel Deal With Russell Athletic Georgia Tech (GT) has signed a new 10-year deal with Russell Athletic that "could be worth more than $20[M]," according to Matt Winkeljohn of the ATLANTA CONSTITUTION. The school's previous contract with Russell Athletic was for five years and $3M. Under the new deal, GT will "serve as a laboratory for new styles, designs and materials for Russell." Russell Athletic Exec VP Gary Barfield said GT "is probably our premier relationship, and being in Atlanta the proximity allows us to develop things using their athletes." The deal will net GT "$750,000 in cash per year from Russell for each of the next four years, increasing to $950,000 for each of the final two." Russell also will give GT "$1.1[M] in athletic apparel each of the next four years, ramping up to $1.35[M] in each of the final two years." If the school "needs more gear, [it] will pay wholesale." GT also will "get a wholesale price break on various equipment, $100,000 per year in apparel for camps and clinics, $100,000 a year in apparel for staff members, and two Russell internships per year for [GT] student-athletes." Russell will get "various football, basketball and baseball tickets, continued advertising signage rights at Grant Field and Alexander Memorial Coliseum, parking passes, some use of Tech's facilities for meetings and other perks" (ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, 8/20)
Georgia gets over 40mil from Nike on their 10-year deal. Even if we get half that we still are better off than we are on Russell. The contracts runs through 2018. I fully expect we find something more lucrative (and attractive) after that season.