When I go back to pre-school, I'm going to Clemson

Well now there's something. The NFL can have year-round football if they form their own D league. It would either increase fan engagement or would water down their product.

If the colleges willingly run a minor league for them, why would the NFL shell out the money for that?
Guys, that is seriously one of those slides that is not steep enough to actually slide. It is one of those you gotta push yourself along. It is plastic so it is gonna get Hella scratched up and then just get broke and removed after a while. I doubt a football player uses the damn thing other than a few times. Once to try it, once to impress the recruits tagging along.
a pet rock
Or maybe getting petted by this guy
Assuming anti-trust action takes that off the table.

Another safe assumption is that the NFL is too well connected for that to happen.

One of the things that should be looked at (but won't be), is how the athletics depts of these schools are tax-exempt.
Another safe assumption is that the NFL is too well connected for that to happen.


Only up to the point the politicians think they can score more political capital removing the exemption than leaving it in place. One benefit the government has for leaving it in place is that it can be used as leverage to make the league do something it is otherwise is not motivated to do.

Regardless, the exemption has not stopped competing leagues from being formed (e.g., Arena league, XFL). Even if removal of the exemption encouraged another round of competing leagues to form, they would still have all of the challenges as other competing leagues have had in terms of convincing fans to watch their games.