Where's the press on our verbals??


Damn Good Rat
Nov 25, 2001
Where\'s the press on our verbals??

Outside of the Hive and reports from various recruiting experts, I haven't seen SQUAT in the news about the three verbals we landed this week. Maybe it's that we're not getting these guys from in-state or maybe it's 'cause it's not generally reported until they sign on the dotted line in February.

What's your take on this??

Re: Where\'s the press on our verbals??

I'm playing devil's advocate here:
If you're an average college football fan,
why do you care who GT has verbals from?
They're in a mediocre conference, haven't made a run at a title.
Their metropolitan area doesn't live and die with them..why should I talk about them?

Tech football hasn't been that major since 1966.
The Braves/Falcons and being an indpendent killed that mentality with regards to GT football.
We need 5 seasons of 8+ football, an ACC championship and BCS contention for anyother numnut to care.
Re: Where\'s the press on our verbals??

That doesn't make any sense. Even Duke gets local pub on football commitments. For some reason the AJC doesn't really follow/report Tech sports like the vast majority of papers do with their hometown teams.
Re: Where\'s the press on our verbals??

Historically, I don't think you can get recruiting news from anyone other than recruiting experts and the Hive this time of year. Even if the papers did carry it, the AJC sure as hell wouldn't give Tech any coverage.

Personally, I subscribe to the ACC Sports Journal. It's excellent for recruiting and ACC sports. Check out accsports.com.

Oh, and GTg8r. The ACC had 7 of 9 bowl eligible teams, in a conference of above average academic quality. I'll take that over the SEC anyday.
Re: Where\'s the press on our verbals??

I'm totally playing devils advocate.
I think the ACC is 3-5 best conference.
I'm quite proud to have attended an ACC school.
Sorry if I hit a nerve.
Re: Where\'s the press on our verbals??

The answer is so simple. All Tech fans drop the AJC. I have not subscribed to the AJC in over 30 years because of their Liberal lean. However, there bias against Tech makes me glad I am not a subscriber.

It gives me great pleasure, each time they contact me about subscribing, that I can tell them no, and the reason I will not subscribe.

The answer, "don't subscribe to them".

Re: Where\'s the press on our verbals??

Thanks for all the replies on the post. I realize of course that we are now and probably always will be second fiddle to the mutts when it comes to coverage from the AJC. But what about a mention, a blurb. BEYOND the AJC, I haven't seen the slighest thing about our recruiting picks this week from the paper that usually gives us the best coverage...The Macon Telegraph. BTW, I live in Panama City Beach, Florida so reading the Atlanta/Macon Papers as well as Goldtimers news on the Hive keeps me in touch with what's happening in Atlanta sports-wise.

Again, I suppose it doesn't matter until we get OFFICIAL committment from a player, but it's still important to the fans who read the papers both in person and online. Tech DOES have the SECOND largest following around the state of Georgia.
Re: Where\'s the press on our verbals??

The only headline I've seen in the Macon Telly this week is about a Macon lad and someone else who just signed schollies to UGAg BECAUSE OF SPACES LEFT BY NON_QUALIFIERS

but now it makes me kinda mad because they are not saying anything about Tech's verbals...

Time to start sending out harrassing emails to the editors again.
Re: Where\'s the press on our verbals??

No problem Gator, nothing personal, just sticking up for the little ol' ACC
Re: Where\'s the press on our verbals??

PCB, it was reported in this morning's AJC HERE. A little bit later than we would like, but it's finally there.

Perhaps they saw this thread and decided they had better report it.

Re: Where\'s the press on our verbals??

Yeah, I saw it in today's paper too,. Actually we and the ACC got a good bit of ink from the AJC.
Re: Where\'s the press on our verbals??

I guess it takes the AJC at least 7 days to find a pencil and paper


isnt it Hollis' job to cover us

It is bad enough that Hollis does a lousy job when he does write now he has someone else doing it.

Maybe this is a good sign and they have moved him away from the GT beat
Re: Where\'s the press on our verbals??

I think thats an unfair statement about Hollis, Law. What he writes doesn't always get put into the paper as is. Our coverage has been much better with Hollis. Carrol was covering the ACC media event. Hollis was probably there as well, but he's been on assignment other places I'm sure.

It's of my opinion that GT fans need to stop crying over the AJC. I don't subscrib to it, and won't until it's worth subscribing too. They hear from me about how I feel, good and bad.

Same goes for radio programing. GT fans have become the biggest bunch of whinners.

Have to remember that the paper is very political. Hollis works for someone, that person he works has a boss as well. For the GT fan it's not fun having a paper like the AJC. Honestly, for a dog fan it's not fun too. You think we bitch about it? AJC hears much more from doggy fans in a negative way then from us.

Hollis isn't the problem. The sports editor of AJC should get more blame.

Macon Tel has a much better sports editor than AJC. That's why the articles are better. Person gets the credit, which I think he's a fine writer, but his editor gives him a lot more freedom.
Re: Where\'s the press on our verbals??

Originally posted by GTTerrific:
GT fans have become the biggest bunch of whiners.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Terr,
You hit the nail on the head.

We shall name them "the whining herd".

And don't dare have a different opinion than their's.

In 'Buck's Resume We Trust
Re: Where\'s the press on our verbals??

Originally posted by GTTerrific:
I think thats an unfair statement about Hollis, Law. What he writes doesn't always get put into the paper as is. Our coverage has been much better with Hollis. Carrol was covering the ACC media event. Hollis was probably there as well, but he's been on assignment other places I'm sure.

It's of my opinion that GT fans need to stop crying over the AJC. I don't subscrib to it, and won't until it's worth subscribing too. They hear from me about how I feel, good and bad.

Same goes for radio programing. GT fans have become the biggest bunch of whinners.

Have to remember that the paper is very political. Hollis works for someone, that person he works has a boss as well. For the GT fan it's not fun having a paper like the AJC. Honestly, for a dog fan it's not fun too. You think we bitch about it? AJC hears much more from doggy fans in a negative way then from us.

Hollis isn't the problem. The sports editor of AJC should get more blame.

Macon Tel has a much better sports editor than AJC. That's why the articles are better. Person gets the credit, which I think he's a fine writer, but his editor gives him a lot more freedom.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Well maybe I am mistaken. I thought Hollis was a JOURNALIST. I have a boss too, but I try my cases the WAY I see fit. If your boss wont let you express your opinions then maybe you need to find another place to work.

We are not talking about making widgets. Reporters are SUPPOSE to have integrity. I doubt very seriously that they edit Furman Bisher's columns.

Maybe I am old school but it is NOT the editor's name that is in that byline. If it has HOLLIS'S name on it then he is going to take responsibility for it whether good or bad. When there is a hatchet job to be done it sure looks like he is first in line. IMO you could find a high school kid to do just as good job as what he does.

AJC is not a one writer paper. They have someone assigned to do GT stuff and I expect him/her to do it.

As far as GT fans being upset. Show me one other school in the ACC that gets less coverage from its hometown newspaper. And these papers are whole lot smaller (less resources) than AUC. It is not whining IMO. It is calling it like it is.

Ga Southern gets more coverage in Savannah then GT does in ATL. In fact I think GT gets more coverage in SAV than ATL.

That is SAD.
Re: Where\'s the press on our verbals??

Originally posted by GTTerrific:
I think thats an unfair statement about Hollis, Law. What he writes doesn't always get put into the paper as is. Our coverage has been much better with Hollis. Carrol was covering the ACC media event. Hollis was probably there as well, but he's been on assignment other places I'm sure.

It's of my opinion that GT fans need to stop crying over the AJC. I don't subscrib to it, and won't until it's worth subscribing too. They hear from me about how I feel, good and bad.

Same goes for radio programing. GT fans have become the biggest bunch of whinners.

Have to remember that the paper is very political. Hollis works for someone, that person he works has a boss as well. For the GT fan it's not fun having a paper like the AJC. Honestly, for a dog fan it's not fun too. You think we bitch about it? AJC hears much more from doggy fans in a negative way then from us.

Hollis isn't the problem. The sports editor of AJC should get more blame.

Macon Tel has a much better sports editor than AJC. That's why the articles are better. Person gets the credit, which I think he's a fine writer, but his editor gives him a lot more freedom.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I agree with Law... if its printed and has my name to it, it should read as I wrote it... and if it doesnt... seek work elsewhere... I stopped my AJC subscription during the GOL ordeal... I didnt appreciate the way they kicked him when he was down... but I also wrote a letter and sent it to every Sr. Mgr at Cox... explained why I had fired them...

I dont know if I would say Tech supporters are whiners... but I do think its fair to say that the athletics do not get the press they should in the town... UGAG is the state school, and it clearly shows .... but the same situation exists in SC, Tenn, etc... its going to be that way...

Now if we could just get some to quit whining about the demise of our previous disloyal coaching staff, we would be OK....