Which GT team was better?


Damn Good Rat
Nov 25, 2001
The '98 squad or the 2000 team?? I mean those two teams are the best in recent history (save of course the '90 champs). Those two teams are the big measuring sticks. On one hand the '98 team had Joe, our first win over UGA in a LONG while, a dogfight with FSU, and a GREAT win over Notre Dame in the Gator Bowl. The 2000 squad was a few points away from an undefeated regular season and many missed opportunities away from beating LSU in the sorely disappointing Peach Bowl.

Second question. Does THIS year's squad compare favorably with either of those great teams? I know we haven't even started fall practice yet, but this can get some of the juices flowing about our strengths/weaknesses this year and breakdowns on players, etc.

C'mon stingtalkers. Let's talk some football!!

I'd have to vote for the '98 team. Joe could just do more than Goose with the offense and the D made more big plays. The 2000 team really pulled together after the rough start and may have had more raw talent overall, but that '98 team was very close to being something really special.
Talent wise I think we are better on defense, and just as strong at WR. The O Line has me a little worried, not raw talent-wise but how they will gell and depth. I think our QBs in terms of physical skills are better than Goose and maybe even better than Joe. However that position in particular depends on doing the right thing at the right time. Neither QB seemed to be quite there in the spring so I would expect us to look at little like the 2000 team at the beginning of the year, a little slow to get things rolling. If we can survive the start, I think we can really improve as the year goes on. I am optimistic about the year, not BCS optimistic, but a solid 2nd in the conference and a good bowl.
The 1998 team was the best team we had since the 1990 team.

No, we did not win the MNC, but we played well all season, with the exception of the BC loss.

All pre-season, I had a great feeling going into the 1998 season, that was going to be a special team.

The win over UGAg was special and the trip to Jacksonville was something I'll remember as long as I live. Beating Notre Done was just as special!

Thanks NCJacket. Now how does THIS year's team compare to either the '98 or the 2000 GT teams? If they favorably compare, then we should feel fairly good about the upcoming season.

Me. I think the 51 Jackets, all kidding aside the 98 they had speed, quickness, and skill at most positions and a kid at QB that could just about do anything with the ball. Now back to the 51 team they could have beaten any team since including the 1990 team you guys should have seen that team.
I like the '98 team overall better than '00. I really felt like '98 was Joe's best year. In 99, he was awesome, but he had some problems with turnovers, IIRC, moreso than '98. Also, we beat a solid ND team in the bowl.

I'm somewhat puzzled over what happened in '98 versus BC. Why did we lose that game? What was wrong with us that Saturday?
I think when all said and done at end of both seasons the 98 team was the better team. Think that the 2000 team had more talent though.

98 team wasn't as mature as 2000 team out of the gate.

We had some young guys playing on D that never played at full speed in a D1 college football game. An experienced BC OL made us look like a bunch of boys. After that game the coaches did a great job at using that game as a teaching tool.

I still hurt over the LSU game at the Peach Bowl. We put a spanking on those guys in first half and had nothing to really show for it except a tired D. All the turnovers killed us. Once LSU got momentum and Davey with a Josh Reed got hot, we couldn't stop them. D by that time had been on the field way too much. We took a beating that second half. That was not one of our better coached games. I'm not talking about O'Brien vs Fridge either.

The 98 win against ND was awesome. That ND team was good but not great. I still like the character and make up of that team better.

This year's team has a chance if the peaces to the puzzle fall together to be better than either of those two teams.

You betcha Beeware. It's Gold Smoke I'm blowing and proud of it!!
I think that the '00 team was better. No Doubt that that '98 team was special with Joe taking over games, but the '00 team was more balanced.

The WR's were sharper and it was a more crisp offense. No one person carried the load and I believe it was a better TEAM. IMO
Originally posted by GTTerrific:
This year's team has a chance if the peaces to the puzzle fall together to be better than either of those two teams.

You betcha Beeware. It's Gold Smoke I'm blowing and proud of it!!
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Terr,
If we had kept the coaching staff that put together the marvelous win over the #9 BCS Stanford Cardinal and held the #1 offense in the nation to one offensive TD.....that had the momentum to go into the recruiting season like gangbusters....that had the total support of the players....that was totally and completely ready to hit the ground running this fall.... THEN I would be blowing the gold smoke also. In fact I would be optimistic that 12-0 would not be out of the question.
But the facts are we have a completely mediocre head coach that is trying to remember how to coach in college...that had put together a *ragamuffin* staff chosen primarily because 'Buck' had met them in a grocery store sometime...
Truly pathetic what Dave (without a) Braine has done to us.
Hopefully Coach O'brien and the fine group of players that Coach O'leary left us will overcome this atrocity...at least this year.

Come on Bwear, stay with the subject.

I believe the '00 team was better. Goose had a great year, not as good as Joe, but Joe had to pull out too many games on his own, overall the latter team was better. D-fense was better than '98. Jeez did we stop anyone on D in '98? What did our pass defense rank in '98?

We surprised a few folks in '98. Beating UGAg and ND was sweet. Joe was the man.

But the '00 Clemson and UGAg games were classic football (until GOL took the ball away from Fridge in the second half of the UGAg game). The Peach Bowl was just bum luck, too many TO's.