I have been firmly in the MJ camp all preseason, but this weekend I rewatched the VT game last year, and while MJ had a few good plays (the long run, one or two nice passes, and good goal line running), there were also a ton of really ugly and ineffective plays. He's too timid with the football, and hinders the offense when he tucks and runs every other play.
The announcers kept praising him for his play after the first quarter, but I would argue that the defense (somehow) won us that game. There were numerous fumbles/INTs that changed the game completely. Also, Marcus Marshall ran his ass off. I think at this point I'm leaning towards younger more talented and more electric players with more to gain in the future. I like MJ - if it's him I'll support him and CPJ because they know way more than any of us... just answering the dumb poll.