Whiteout Game

My first thought was a Thursday night whiteout game was dumb, but then I remembered how awesome the 2009 September whiteout game against Clemson was. I approve.
My first thought was a Thursday night whiteout game was dumb, but then I remembered how awesome the 2009 September whiteout game against Clemson was. I approve.

The one I almost stroked out at....
My first thought was a Thursday night whiteout game was dumb, but then I remembered how awesome the 2009 September whiteout game against Clemson was. I approve.

2014 v Miami whiteout game was another good one and 2015 v FSU whiteout game was the best game all season. We stormed the field in both of those. Neither were on a Thursday, but I will bet if we beat Clemson there will definitely be an on field celebration.
My first thought was a Thursday night whiteout game was dumb, but then I remembered how awesome the 2009 September whiteout game against Clemson was. I approve.

YES! I'm definitely liking this. What a night that was! My dad comes up from St Simons for one game a year. We were fortunate he came for that one. He's still talking about it!
My first thought was a Thursday night whiteout game was dumb, but then I remembered how awesome the 2009 September whiteout game against Clemson was. I approve.

The earlier the better. Most people don't have white outerwear, so when its cold, the whiteout is going to suffer
I was at Miami two years ago and it was great to see the team operate like that. I was at the FSU game last year and it was the best ending I've ever seen. I had more fun storming the field after that game than I did VT 09. It is a memory that I will always carry with me. Needless to say, I will be at the Clemson game this year.
If I hadn't have screamed "RUN! RUN! RUN!" 50 times at the top of my lungs, Austin may not have made it.
2014 v Miami whiteout game was another good one and 2015 v FSU whiteout game was the best game all season. We stormed the field in both of those. Neither were on a Thursday, but I will bet if we beat Clemson there will definitely be an on field celebration.

We should not storm the field. Our athletic dept. can't afford the fine!
So make it part of the student athletic fees. Not like students have a say so about them anyway.

No, they pay enough öööö fees as it is. Athletics department can suck it up for one field storm a year for Pete's sake..
No, they pay enough öööö fees as it is. Athletics department can suck it up for one field storm a year for Pete's sake..

I am not paying a single dime more for my tix so you upper crust folks in the LE rich people section can drunkenly stumble out onto the field at your whim. Let those coddled students pay for it.
I am not paying a single dime more for my tix so you upper crust folks in the LE rich people section can drunkenly stumble out onto the field at your whim. Let those coddled students pay for it.

If you actually cared about GT Athletics and bought tix at field level, you would know it is the students that start the storming. And if the drunken stumblers tried that jump down to the field, they would probably break a leg or a neck. Quit being such a tight wad.
If you actually cared about GT Athletics and bought tix at field level, you would know it is the students that start the storming.

The last two times we stormed the field, 90% of the people on the field were students.
The last two times we stormed the field, 90% of the people on the field were students.

My point exactly...and no, they already pay enough fees. Let 'em have the few exciting wins that we get. Charge them a fee and that's the best way to make sure no students show up at games.