Whiteout Game

Sadly, storming the field means you just did something you rarely do.

Would much rather have them storm their field if they beat us.

Beating them should be SOP for us :)
My point exactly...and no, they already pay enough fees. Let 'em have the few exciting wins that we get. Charge them a fee and that's the best way to make sure no students show up at games.

Students should pay no fees for Athletics.

Universities should not be allowed to charge for anything not directly related to the student's education (e.g. Athletic Fees, Activity Fees, Student Rec Fees, Transportation Fees). Universities are now more like country clubs than post-secondary eduction institutions, which is why tuition that should be $10,000 / year is $40,000 / year.
athletics is a part of a normal education, and you can take courses in Phys Ed
Just like the cost of infrastructure of other schools and departments is spread across the Institute, so is the cost of the infrastructure that allows for the physical education - and actually a valuable stress relief activity

only a total dweeb would argue that getting a bit of physical education would be harmful for the average Tech student.

your argument is ridiculous and short-sided; and i believe you have made it so often on this board that you essentially generated a meme


only a total dweeb would argue that getting a bit of physical education would be harmful for the average Tech student.

I'm not arguing that it's harmful, I'm arguing that it's not part of the mission of a university and shouldn't be part of the cost.

Universities want the best students and amenities draw students. Since loans are plentiful, student's don't care about price as much as they should.
it is part of the mission, thats why they used to require drown-proofing. being a human should involve a healthy dose of physical involvement.

you are making this university weak and dorky with your anti-athletic propaganda

and your last comment is inappropriate in this forum, and it seems confused as well

the mission of Georgia Tech:

Technological change is fundamental to the advancement of the human condition. The Georgia Tech community—students, staff, faculty, and alumni—will realize our motto of "Progress and Service" through effectiveness and innovation in teaching and learning, our research advances, and entrepreneurship in all sectors of society. We will be leaders in improving the human condition in Georgia, the United States, and around the globe.

if you dont think that physical education or activity is part of the "human condition" that should be getting improved, then i dont know what the hell you think it means
Again, my argument is for every university.

if you dont think that physical education or activity is part of the "human condition" that should be getting improved, then i dont know what the hell you think it means
Again, my argument is for every university.

read the Mission Statement of Georgia Tech and tell me that there is no implication of a physical side to "human condition" which it clearly states it the mission of the school

if it is not referring to the comfort, health, quality of life, etc (including physical health) then they need to re-write it.
read the Mission Statement of Georgia Tech and tell me that there is no implication of a physical side to "human condition" which it clearly states it the mission of the school

if it is not referring to the comfort, health, quality of life, etc (including physical health) then they need to re-write it.

The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality."
The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality."

yes, none of those imply physical well-being at all. Biology, chemistry, physics do not all take place on the sports field. the science that shows that exercise is the single-biggest thing you can do to improve all areas of your life - ALL AREAS, you you call it not relevant to the human condition

okely dokely, whatever bro :rolleyes:
Students currently pay a $127 athletic fee and a $54 REC fee per semester. All students should not be required to pay an additional fee because a few decided to storm the field in excitement of a football win.
Sadly, storming the field means you just did something you rarely do.

Would much rather have them storm their field if they beat us.

Beating them should be SOP for us :)

The truth hurts sometimes ....but we did beat them in 2014...
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Wow, this thread went downhill very quickly
All I said was, if we beat Clemson, I bet we storm the field and it lead to multiple posts about why we shouldn't storm the field and the students should be fined if they do. That is a big pile of bull öööö!
If you actually cared about GT Athletics and bought tix at field level, you would know it is the students that start the storming. And if the drunken stumblers tried that jump down to the field, they would probably break a leg or a neck. Quit being such a tight wad.

The same students who stumble in drunk in the middle of the 1st qtr?
I am not paying a single dime more for my tix so you upper crust folks in the LE rich people section can drunkenly stumble out onto the field at your whim. Let those coddled students pay for it.
Good thing money is fungible.

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My first thought was a Thursday night whiteout game was dumb, but then I remembered how awesome the 2009 September whiteout game against Clemson was. I approve.

Dont forget miami '08 which was the first white out i remember. Previously they attempted gold outs which were just ridiculously stupid
If you really want this to look awesome, buy some white ponchos and hand them out to everyone that comes to the game.