Why hasn't Boston College fired Coach Spaz?


Jul 16, 2007
Boston College went 0-8 in conference play this year. That's pitiful considering their history.

Anyone know why the hell Coach Spaz is still there? Too many job openings available or something?

Never seen Boston College be this bad in my life. Probably the ACC's fault somehow.
Probably since he's only been there for three years and had winning records his first two years and went .500 in conference play.

Just a reminder, we went 1-7 in conference play this year, which is pitiful considering our history.
I actually think addaz is a decent coach...BC needs the school to step up to help the program...
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Although, isn't Addazio the coach now? Is his nickname Spaz? Seems confusing.
I thought that was the joke. But now I'm thinking OP might just be a retart.

In his defense, I thought Spaziani was still the coach too, but I don't care about BC athletics even a little. Also, I could see some people calling him Staz, which is close I guess or something.

Still I guess he's signed for five more years. When you let a guy go with that long on a contract, you end up hiring someone like Brian Gregory. So, back to $$$ being my reason.