Personally, I think the whole idea that a particular high profile coach is some sort of magic bullet to solve all your problems is fanciful, and silly, and proven wrong more often than right. See Notre Dame, Alabama, Nebraska, etceteras.
I think whether or not your coach is truly awesome or not has a lot more to do with circumstances and luck than anything else, and paying a godzillion dollars to lose to Louisanna Monroe isn't my idea of a solid business decision.
Take last year's coaching carousel. Some Bama fan said EXACTLY what you're saying now, and they bought Nick Saban, who at the time was widely regarded to be as good as Spurrier, with a very similar pedigree. They're essentially carbon copies of each other. Look how that turned out.
Tech needs to be in the market for the next big thing, not last year's big thing at ten times the cost.