Wow, this place has been busy

Ramblin Buzz

Varsity Lurker
Feb 28, 2002
I have been unable to check in much with this board over the past 6 weeks or so due to work (the horror!!), but am catching up on some reading here tonight. This place is jumping. There have been some good threads and beeware is still, well, beeware. I was afraid he might have come to his senses or something

I'm glad to see this board growing, especially with football season around the corner. This board picked up back in April, but now seems to be as busy the Hive, or at least gaining in popularity. I think RR does a good job, all things considered, and I like the Hive, but the same old insider jokes, etc do get old from the standard crew over there.

Glad to be back on board and look forward to reading more good stuff.

So, beeware, what was it you were saying about Gailey and Braine...............

yep, it is 54 days til crunch time

we will start getting seasonal posters rolling in
What is the difference between Bill Lewis, Jim Donn_n, and 'Buck' Gailey??
I realize this is a very difficult question and admit it is very hard to find any real difference between I will go ahead and give you the answer.
'Buck' is the one that has never coached a Division 1 college game.....but please don't tell the gold-smoke-blowing-Braine-kissers. Also, some credit will be given if your answer was that Jim Donn_n wasn't OUR problem.


In 'Buck' We Trust
Good to see ya back. Actually, I was thinking it's a little slow around here. But there's still alot of time left before the season.

Actually, I thought the answer to Beeware's trivia question was something along the lines of: Buck is the only coach of the 3 that Beeware has a stupid, immature fascination about.
Originally posted by beeware:
What is the difference between Bill Lewis, Jim Donn_n, and 'Buck' Gailey??
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">While I would not restrict your freedom of speech in any way, I feel I must point out that it's getting rediculous to see you attempt to pervert many threads on this website into a Braine/Gailey bashing session. I don't think I need to say anymore about this.
Originally posted by administrator:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by beeware:
What is the difference between Bill Lewis, Jim Donn_n, and 'Buck' Gailey??
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">While I would not restrict your freedom of speech in any way, I feel I must point out that it's getting rediculous to see you attempt to pervert many threads on this website into a Braine/Gailey bashing session. I don't think I need to say anymore about this.</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I think if you will look at the start of this thread it certainly mentions beeware, braine and gailey. Also how is it very different to 'bash' Braine/Gailey than to 'bash' beeware in virtually every post?

There has been some good chit chat over here. Something about the "feel" of this board is really fun.

Have met a few like GTAdamni and Axe that I know of. Probably some of the others. Sometimes it's hard for me to put screen names together with faces.

Really like the way Beestorm set this place up. Having the different boards helps.

I love the Hive, but there is definately a need for another GT board.

My family who are all GT people read the Hive and don't understand hardly anything. Ha Ha. There is just too many TCO, SHMBO, and inside jokes about lesbians and stuff. They have had good question, but fear for ever posting because so many people get blasted for doing something wrong. Yes, they've read the rules for posting. They are simple to people the do it every day, but to those who don't it's hard to remember details for posting. If you don't read the hive every hour on the hour and miss something (which is easy with garbage) and post or ask something similar you're bashed. There isn't one person who does the bashing. There isn't really a moderator. You could be blasted by a number of people who feel they are "it" on the board. That includes a pretty large group. People that don't read the board all the time don't pick up everything that is posted. Everyone isn't use to reading message boards on the net. I know my grandfather and father sure aren't. The Hive has actually scared them away from using a computer hahahaha!

I love it for the info. It's nice for people to come together for especially away games. Before the Hive not many people tailgated together in numbers at away games. That's probably the biggest plus I've seen.

Another thing. People that post on a message board shouldn't use it as a badge. This is for fun. Just because you post on a gt message site like StingTalk and the Hive doesn't make you a bigger fan that someone that doesn't. I've noticed by tailgating and hanging out with some that people sure think that if you post on a place like the Hive then you're like the cream of the crop or something. Sorry to say, but that's like a rediculous attitude. That's the attitude of some. I hope that attitude never comes over here.
We've got enough attitude between Beeware and I.
Originally posted by beeware:
I hope you are not doing your RR imitation.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">laff. that would take years of practice
Originally posted by beeware:
I think if you will look at the start of this thread it certainly mentions beeware, braine and gailey. Also how is it very different to 'bash' Braine/Gailey than to 'bash' beeware in virtually every post?
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I'm sure that you realize he was making a rhetorical playful comment and not inviting a rehash of your viewpoint that we have seen more times than we can count.
Originally posted by BeeStorm:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by beeware:
I think if you will look at the start of this thread it certainly mentions beeware, braine and gailey. Also how is it very different to 'bash' Braine/Gailey than to 'bash' beeware in virtually every post?
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I'm sure that you realize he was making a rhetorical playful comment and not inviting a rehash of your viewpoint that we have seen more times than we can count.</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">And I was also making a rhetorical playful trivia question about 'Buck' and his two of his fellow coaches that he seems to most resemble.
All in fun...I hope you are not doing your RR imitation.