B1G Realignment

note the lack of the permanent crossover games leaguewide. Interesting twist is having one permanent, the rest rotating.

It is so stupid that we don't do this.
The east is LOADED. I get the geographical aspect, but there are four power programs in the same division with Rutgers on the way up. It seems the conference is intentionally shooting itself in the foot, how do they expect to get in the national championship picture with a gauntlet schedule for all the contenders?
The east is LOADED. I get the geographical aspect, but there are four power programs in the same division with Rutgers on the way up. It seems the conference is intentionally shooting itself in the foot, how do they expect to get in the national championship picture with a gauntlet schedule for all the contenders?

You mean that the once dominant SEC East should determine conference alignment?
Nebraska looks like future Big 10 West champs for the next decade with Wisconsin's head coach gone.
You mean that the once dominant SEC East should determine conference alignment?

I'm just saying it redonkulous. Imagine getting stuck in a devision with VT FSU CLemson Miami North Carolina and NCST. While the other devision had duke wake forest Boston college and all the other celler teams. It's just too lopsided to be fair even if power shifts. Michigan Ohio state and penn state will always be relevant brand name schools, while the other sides banner team's claim to fame is shucking ööööing corn
The east is LOADED. I get the geographical aspect, but there are four power programs in the same division with Rutgers on the way up. It seems the conference is intentionally shooting itself in the foot, how do they expect to get in the national championship picture with a gauntlet schedule for all the contenders?

Because it is now a four team playoff, which will go to conference champions, not a contest to see who can set up the easiest schedule to run?

Their champ will get a shot every year there is a chance.

Now Maryland may not have been prepared for this. It is hard to see them doing well.
I'm just saying it redonkulous. Imagine getting stuck in a devision with VT FSU CLemson Miami North Carolina and NCST. While the other devision had duke wake forest Boston college and all the other celler teams. It's just too lopsided to be fair even if power shifts. Michigan Ohio state and penn state will always be relevant brand name schools, while the other sides banner team's claim to fame is shucking ööööing corn

Rutgers, Maryland, and Indiana? Three easy wins. Win the four team round robin and you are in the big game.
I'm just saying it redonkulous. Imagine getting stuck in a devision with VT FSU CLemson Miami North Carolina and NCST. While the other devision had duke wake forest Boston college and all the other celler teams. It's just too lopsided to be fair even if power shifts. Michigan Ohio state and penn state will always be relevant brand name schools, while the other sides banner team's claim to fame is shucking ööööing corn

Better shucking ööööing corn than diddling ööööing kids? :dunno:

You are right that it will likely always be lopsided in terms of brand name schools. However, that often does not correlate to schools with good football programs -- there are plenty of brand name schools that go into long down periods and non-brand name schools that have great programs.

It's not good to set up conference alignment based on what you think the division of power will be, because you'll almost always end up being wrong five-ten years down the road.

Now, what would be interesting is if a conference decided to realign every two years based on the prior two years' results.. That you could do from a fairness standpoint, though I don't know how logistically feasible it would be.
^^^^That actually is a great and interesting point. If every conference would get on board with this, it would make it easier to determine who really is the best.
The east is LOADED. I get the geographical aspect, but there are four power programs in the same division with Rutgers on the way up. It seems the conference is intentionally shooting itself in the foot, how do they expect to get in the national championship picture with a gauntlet schedule for all the contenders?
Bama doesn't seem to have a problem doing this
Bama plays in a weak SEC west. They didn't have that tough an OOC schedule last year. Meechigan looked big to start off but wasn't so much as they ended up losing 5 games.
IMO, this has ALL the look and feel of a conference looking to be split right down the middle with the B1G East merging with the ACC and the B1G West merging with the BIG12.

These divisions look extremely one-sided.

Crazy for sure but Delaney has nowhere to go now with any more South or East expansion.
IMO, this has ALL the look and feel of a conference looking to be split right down the middle with the B1G East merging with the ACC and the B1G West merging with the BIG12.

These divisions look extremely one-sided.

Crazy for sure but Delaney has nowhere to go now with any more South or East expansion.

Seems unreasonably unwieldy, but I can't say it would shock me if this happened (really at this point, what would shock anyone?). Or some kind of agreement between the B1G and those two conferences.

No FCS foes, one B1G foe, one Big 12 foe, one traditional rival, and one open date (sometimes occupied by ND for ACC teams)
Split? thats full on insanity.

only way that happens is if their tv model was to collapse. sports television is a bubble that probably will collapse. nfl excepted.
IMO, this has ALL the look and feel of a conference looking to be split right down the middle

Yes, that's literally what's happening.

with the B1G East merging with the ACC and the B1G West merging with the BIG12.


These divisions look extremely one-sided.

Crazy for sure but Delaney has nowhere to go now with any more South or East expansion.

why we are not north/south (with miami in the north) is even more mindboggling now. with 14 teams we dont have to split the carolina schools. with miami in the north, the competitive balance isnt even that ridiculous.

use the big10 model with miami v fsu the only permanent rival and we would have a lot of happy fans.